Civilized World? ... yeah yeah yeah!
One of the things i've been exposed to, working in a multinational-multicultural company, is being comfronted with the different prespectives of others of arabs and/or islam.
The first impression you get is that most western ppl are COMPLETELY IGNORANT regarding islam - i mean the common ppl - all they know is that we r obressed ppl following some strict, uncultural traditions and rulings.
To be fair, some of them really converts to a positive prespective after staying here for a while and dealing with different Muslims ... I guess they finally figure out that w r normal ppl who breath air and do not eat babies for breakfast!Others, just keep their negative prespective, and coat it with an atmosphere of despise for the third world filthy creatures.
And to be fair also, to me, these ppl are not "evil" ppl, they r just victims of the misleading media of the west that had propagated more and more misconceptions about this religion over the years ... and they are victims of muslims who immegrate to their countries and put up the worst example for muslims ... and they are victims of our failure as arab/islamic countries (if this definition hasn't become extinct yet) to propagate the correct picture of our reigion ... and they are victims of OUR failure to be even WORTH defending islam.
However, if you look at the recent events that have floated on surface ever since 9/11, you can see that the cover of CULTURE and MODERNITY have been unleashed, and the true face of racism of western communities has been revealed ... post 9/11 dramatic events in american states, the events of hijab ban in France, events leading to the murder of the director of an anti-islamic film in Netherlands, up till the recent danish anti-islamic cartoons.
The west has declared a war on terrorism, and to be more precise let's lose the deplomatic ettiquete and give the word "terrorism" it's true modern definition "terrorism = islamic terrorism" ... and they've legalised all means to do so, from the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq to cultural harrasments through national media ... but, a sane person doesn't expect to harvest LOVE when all he cultivates are seeds of hatered and racism ... what do you expect that NATIVE FRENCH girl would do when she goes to school to find the directors of that school standing on the gates taking off the veils of musim girls ? What do you expect that NATIVE DANISH man to do when he opens the papers one morning to find cartoons disgracing all he believes in? What do you expect a NATIVE DUTCH woman would do when she watches a movie disgracing all she beleives in? What do you expect a NATIVE AMERICAN woman would do when she gets attacked in newyork streets only because she is wearing a veil? Notice that i'm saying NATIVE because i do NOT mean muslim immegrants, i mean born citizens who just happened to convert to islam.Will these people really believe all the phony slogans that the west brags about; freedom of faith, democracy, human rights, equatiy .... bla bla bla? Do they have to "turn their cheeks" to those who offense them? or will they plant all this hatred back into the mind of their children towards all this illusion called "civilized world"? In a few years, the west will have created the very same monster they are NOW claiming to fight .... terrorism! Because you can NOT caltivate HATE and harvest PEACE ... You Caltivate FANATISM, DESCRIMINATION and RACISM and you harvest TERRORISM!
This is not the e=mc2 equation ... it's a simple 1+1=2!
And do you really think that this media that have diluted the true face of islam really DO NOT KNOW what they're talking about? ... do you think that when someone writes an article saying that islamic teachings provoke violance and terrorism and that Muhammad (pbuh) was a criminal of war and and and .. do you really believe that they are that stupid? They only have to grab any history book off the shelves ... any history book written by a neutral non-muslim historian or orientalist to know what Muhammed and his followers did to this very civilized culture they live in ... (here's to help: ... and on the other hand read about the black history and the bloody crimes commited by children of the western civilization, i suggest you start off with the "divine" crusades, move to the Nazi empire and the unproved claim of the holocaust which all the west now accepts as a historical fact, civil war of america due to black and white descrimination, veitnam, serbia, india and recently, the torture camps in Iraq and gwantanamu.
One great fact you can also realize if you read history is that HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF! This is the very same scenario that happened at the time of the crusades ... Heating the feelings of christians agaist the barbarian arabs who slaughter christian pilgrims in jerusalem ... and without a second of thought - of course back then, they didn't have all the facilities of the modern life from books, internet ... etc. to examine the truth ... and thus, ships were loaded with raging christians off into the battles of the holy war ... only to find out that this was no holy war, it was just held to satisfy the greed and ambitions of their rulers - by the way, these are not my words, read european books about the crusades .. or if ur in a hurry, just go to the nearest movie store and pick "kingdom of heaven" off the shelf!
But no sir, they don't wanna read ANYTHING ... just one fanatic most cleverly discovers a word in the quran called "juhad" and he - the great, genious,ARABIC LANGUAGE scholar - cleverly builds up a whole theory about violence and barbarism of islam ... and over the night, every writer, journalist, and media man all over the world starts making up their own theories about the agressive psychological profile of a muslim's nature that is developed through islamic teachings ... and NO ONE ever cares to check this reference - "quran" - only once .. and NO ONE ever cares to ask what these islamic teachings they claim are! And the next morning, every Muslim of the 1.3 billions all over the world has to wake up and go out into the street trying to defend himself, justify his faith and ward off the false accusations vented upon his holy book and his prophet! ... And more ironically is that WE - MUSLIMS - are the first ppl to believe this nonsense, and our spokesmen, Imams and scholars start to preach US about the tolerance of islam ... Why the heck do i have to listen to the Friday Sermon telling me how peacefull and tolerant MY OWN religion is for Allah's sake? was i born yesterday? or do i wake up every morning, brush my teeth, perform my morning prayer, grab my RPG and go out killing few innocent non-muslims on my way to my Islamic 'Jihad' training camp?
I know a european lady who was visiting Cairo, and she asked me suspiciously "do you think it's safe to take a taxi alone here?" ... for Allah's sake! what are these ppl being told out there? that we eat non-muslims alive?
This so called cultured, well educated world is simply IGNORANT.
Read this - taken from a British weblog:
Last month, EU foreign ministers decided to engage in contacts with Hamas political candidates in next month’s Palestinian parliamentary elections, which will be monitored by an EU mission. Hamas is a terrorist organization, which runs the following campaign ad:The following are the words on the new Hamas video:"We succeeded, with Allah's grace, to raise an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life. We will not abandon the way of Jihad and Shahada [Martyrdom] as long as one inch of our holy land is in the hands of the Jews. "Congratulations to our people of 1948 [Israeli Arabs] on the liberation of Gaza. You wish to destroy them [the Israelis] from the interior. We will never forget you, and never leave you. A day will come when our flag will fly above all the quarters of our land. Our flag will fly on the minarets of Jerusalem, and the walls of Acre, and the quarters of Haifa." [Hamas website, December 12, 2005]Israel has had enough of EU appeasement of terrorist organizations. So, it has taken the offensive and charged the EU with failing to comply with UNSC resolution 1373 , which prohibits member states from providing active or passive support for terrorist organizations.For a change, the shoe is on the other foot.
Did this man REALLY read the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict over this piece of land that is located WITHIN the ARAB world? Or did he just listen to all the false stories about the jewish rights? Did he know that jews NEVER, not ONCE in history, had a "promised" land? Is there a land for Christians? Is their a land for Muslims ... NO ... you know why? ... Simply because Islam, Christianity and Judaism are CREEDS not Landmarks! Most citizens of Syria are Muslims, Most citizens of USA are christians ... As a Muslim, i cannot claim a right on Syrian land ... just as an egyptian christian cannot claim a right on american land!
But, Jews do not identify any rights for any other NATION except the Jewish nation, and hence, they cannot accept to live as citizens in a muslim or christian community, they have to RULE an unsharable land ... so, as jews, let's pick a land on the map, any piece of land and make it OURS ... so, wuts better than the "land" on which Moses lived - not even all his life, because he was born in EGYPT, raised there, and only migrated to this "land" after he was chased out of Egypt by the pharoah - and the "land" where Jacob lived - although he migrated with all his children to Egypt and lived there for the rest of his life!!! - and it's really a trivial matter to mention that Jesus christ was also born on that "land", lived their almost all of his life - except the part when he travelled to Egypt, and according to the christians, was crucified on this very same "land" ... but foolish christians cannot claim that this "land" is THEIRS for such a trivial reason!! Hush, keep it a secret!But, ONE PROBLEM, how can we jews claim the "land" to be ours? arabs will never give up their land ... so, let's put some economical and political pressures on the British ppl, afterall, they are already invading the arab lands, and they practically rule over this "land" now ... so, uncle Belfore just grabs his knife and cuts this small tiny winy "land" on the lower east coast of the mediteranean, that piece of land is called "Palestine" by the way, and hands it to zionist jews in a wrap of palestanian bodies and destroyed houses! Peice of Cake!Now, which of the stories are true? i'm a muslim so, to any western non-muslim, i'm probably lying, BUT ... why don't we grab a history book and find out? Or is it enough to tell who is lying and who is not by just listening to the jewish controlled western media?
Few days ago, there was a sheikh in an egyptian program talking about the Denmark issue. He said that these cartoons are like an experimental balloon, just to measure the strengh of Mulims. Conspiracy theory again? may be ... but to be honest, i wouldn't exclude this theory out of my calculations, especially that another French journal re-published the cartoons again. These people can't be THAT stupid! When you see a raging bull attacking your neighbour, wearing a red garnament is not exactly a very 'sane' action.
Salaamu alaikum. I loved this latest message of yours- we have so many of the same thoughts! Keep up the good writing :-)
How nice to read the thoughts of a very strong thinker...
I just want to add a couple things from a westerners view.
If I were to move to Iran I would have to cover my head. If I were to move to Saudi Arabi I would have to cover my head and not drive and have a male escort from the family with me when outside my home. If I were to move to Egypt it would not be acceptable for me to be in a smaller town wearing shorts or a sleeveless shirt. Why is that when cultural rules are imposed on Muslims they believe it is racist? It's not's culturalism. Why is it that Muslims feel so oppressed and hated, but they NEVER question their hatred of Christians and Jews?
Christians are not honestly treated fairly in Egypt...and it IS because they are not Muslim. Why do you not question that? If it is Iran's right to require me to wear a hijab, why is it not a Europeans right to request that one does NOT wear a hijab because it can cause a danger to the wearer? Do you really think these decisions are made because the west HATES Muslims?
Westerners probably spend minutes a week or even a month thinking about Muslims, Jews, or anything religious or racist at all. We just want to live our lives and get on with it. To us the militant Muslims are trying to prevent that from happening because they are against everything our culture stands for, which is mainly moral and religious freedom. Most Westerners realize there is a difference between these radical Muslims and 'normal' Muslims...But where are you? Where are all these 'normal' peaceful, loving Muslims hiding? Why are they not speaking out against hatred? Why are they only speaking out about how the world is oppressing Islam? I think the reason they are not speaking out is because there is a very fine line between hating, and doing something with that hate. The bottom line is that the majority of Muslims DO hate us. They hate our free culture and all it represents. They hate our 'loose' women and our 'drunk' men. They hate our clothes and our money and our lack of morals. They like our movies and our music and our cars and our technology - but in the end they HATE us. How can the world possibly see the true meaning of Islam when it is obscured by so much hate? Not only that, but there is a substantial amount of the population who is willing to take that hate and act upon it.
I agree that the west does not understand Islam. Most Americans have not even the slightest little clue what it is about. And they really don't care.
And that is why to say that the world is racist against Islam is really quite unfair. Most Westerners DON'T CARE at all about it - so how can they be racist against it? Doesn't one have to give thought to something before they can be racist against it? Is not caring racist? Perhaps it is to someone who desires understanding - but in reality it is not.
I do wish Americans understood more about the Middle East and Islam. I do wish they CARED to know more about it...but their lives are so difficult and busy and rushed that there really isn't that much time to give to it. And besides a few very isolated events, the majority of the Islamic community has shown no desire to help them learn about it in a kind, un-hateful way.
A woman in a mini-skirt with no sleeves and bright make-up on is not going to lead the Middle Eastern Community to accept Western culture, or even understand it. The same is true of a woman in a hijab. It scares us, it makes us nervous, it is like putting a 6 foot concrete wall between us. We can see NOTHING but the hijab....Just as you could see nothing but the Western girls legs and cleavage.
Only when we realize how similiar we are, can we come together and make the world a better place. Perhaps as a culture we are racist, but perhaps the Islamic community needs to take a look in the mirror and realize that they are to?
Dear anonymous reader,
I only discovered your valuable comment here by chance and thus i'm almost sure you will not be able to read my reply. However, glad as i really am with this rational discussion we are having, i wanted to reply anyways may be one day someone will read more.
Question, do you think if you visit an islamic country wearing a cross, ppl will reach out and pull it off your neck? i can defenitly assure you that the answer is NO. you know y they wouldn't? because muslims "understand" that this is YOUR belief, and muslims are compelled by Islam itself to accept other religions, respect its followers and cause no harm to them because of their faiths. Now, you say if you go to Iran or Saudia Arabia you'd have to cover your head, and have male escort? Now, that is CULTURE ... i, as a muslim, definitely disagree with the wahabi school of thought that compells its followers before the non-followers to do acts of worship when Islam says: "Let there be no compultion in religion". So, we shouldn't mix between culture and religion, no matter how they seem unseperable especially here in the east, but we speak as well cultured, civilized ppl, so let's keep it open minded at least on this ground. Now, if i go to the west and i'm forced to take off my hijab, that'd be just the same as taking off the cross around your neck, it's a trespass over your human right to practice your religion as long as you are not offending the others or causing them harm. And what harm is there in wearing a piece of cloth on your head or hanging a cross from your neck? you say about the hijab "It scares us, it makes us nervous, it is like putting a 6 foot concrete wall between us. We can see NOTHING but the hijab" ... Please, i ask you kindly to look at the pictures of virgin Mary, those depicted in the paintings of the italian painters or in the many virsions of the illustrated bible, or simply type "virgin Mary" in google images search ... and look at how virgin Mary - peace be upon her and her son - is dressed and how her head is covered. Do you get scared of virgin Mary too? coz it looks to me she's wearing a full veil covering her hair! and Please, do same google images search using the keywords "Mother Theresa", do you get scared of her too? coz she sure appears to me like she's covering her hair! I dare to say with 100% certainity that NOT ONCE in the entire history have it been mentioned in any history book - whether in east or west - that a christian woman, a nun, or a worshiper covering her head while going to church, have been crossed by muslims and been asked to take off her veil coz it "offends them". Head cover was known by nations of Israel, jews and christians looooong before Islam and Muhammad - peace be upon him - themselves!!
That is not to ward off the accusaion of some islamic communities being racist, i do admit that ... however, we have to be more objective and classify racism as an act of "human beings" and NOT an aspect of an entire religion. I, as a muslim, definitely condemn the 9/11 attacks - have it been proved to be done by muslims or non-muslims - and i definitely condemen any racist practice that may have or will occur on any land in the name of islam. Again, Islam says "Let there be NO compultion in religion". The fact that some muslims nowadays are not following the rules of their own religion is not a credit to condemn the religion itself. Otherwise, that'd be as logical as saying "Christianity is brutal coz Hitlar was a christian Nazi" would sound!
Last and not Least, i DEFINITELY, TOTALLY and TRULEY agree with you: "Only when we realize how similiar we are, can we come together and make the world a better place" ... what we need is to "Understand" the other and not to question their believes, not to trespass their own free will to choose or to practice one religion or the other, and more importantly, to embrace all this knowledge with an open mind, and definitely a yet even wider heart.
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