The day Journalism was disgraced! - Apparently not by Julland-Posten
you know wuts the difference between danish newspapers and egyptian ones?
Actually not much. The formers dis-respect muslims and the laters dis-respect egyptians!
Which is better? The danish of-course, at least they are danish insulting non-dans ... ours are egyptian insulting egyptians! DUH!
How come? well! i'd certainly consider it an insult to my IQ when one of our top national newspapers - if not the top - thinks that i - as one of its several million readers - am soooo stupid that i wouldn't notice their CHEAP try to come around the latest Alexandrian churches crisis.
On the very first page of today's edition (Sunday), two adjacent pieces were published:
First one: A muslim man attacks the worshippers in a Masjed in Mansoura injuring an old man after al Maghreb prayer.
(Decode: Hey ppl, Pshycos are all over Egypt and they don't differentiate between Mosques and Churches. So don't Panic, we are working on a law that gives death sentence to ppl who attack churches and hospitalization for those who attack mosques)
Second one (right on it's right side): Two young men got killed trying to save a christian man. And it read: A tragic accident happend that demonstrates the deep and strong BONDS between fellow Muslims and Christians when two young men went into a sewage pipe trying to save a christian worker from choking, but ended up choking up with him and all three died. The incedent happened in "samallot" center in the governess of "Al Menya".
(Decode: No need, they didn't even have the courtesy to bluff, they said it straight: "demonstrates the deep and strong BONDS between fellow Muslims and Christians")
Now, since when does:
1. Accidents that happen in small villages and country side make it to the "FIRST PAGE" in ANY newspaper ANYWHERE in the globe?
2. The religious identity of the main characters in an accident report is highly stressed to that extent?
3. Picture this: a guy caught in the sewage pipe is desperatly calling for help and the two guys who happen to be there, instead of just logically rushing to help him, stop and ask him "hey you down there; we just have a small inquiry before we can give you a hand there; are you a christian or a muslim?" DUH!
The fact that we suffer from a blind-folded media is one thing, and the fact that this media underestimates the intelligence of its readers to that extent is one heck of a shame!
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