Friday, August 15, 2008

My Secret

Alrighty! My friends have finally LOST IT!!! I’m no longer the only lunatic out there … hehe.

So, here’s the story. It all began when one of them read this book “the secret” … yeah, all that global propaganda about this phenomenon book has finally reached her, she who hardly reads anything beside her work reports! Personally, I haven’t read the book … but I’ve been witness to the result of reading it: here’s my friend, started this habit of writing a diary … but not just any diary… it’s a diary of her life with “Ahmed” … who? … that’s her future love! So every day she writes down wut they did together that day … like he took her on a boat cruise, or they went out for dinner today .. etc. She’s totally created a virtual life with a virtual lover whose name is freakin “Ahmed”!!! And they call me weirdo!?

Second friend, following the example of the first one, has decided that she’ll be living in a villa, and have a Philippine servant who brings her Nescafe in bed … not only this, she also called the poor servant “Sonita”!!!!

Did I say I didn’t read the book? Well, forget that, coz between the last paragraph and this one I’ve just watched the movie based on the book. Well the secret is … listen to this … the “Law of Attraction”! The theory says:
• Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source—you.

• You are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your thoughts. If you want to change anything in your life, change the frequency by changing your thoughts.

• Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life. So what the book suggests, and wut these girls applied, is to keep all your focus on your dream, live it every second of your life.

To tell you the truth, at first all I could think of is: Dude! R these girls desperate or wut?!!I mean, c’mon!! But then I looked at myself and there I was … my life is a series of endless objectives and absolutely no goal! Do I need to mention the difference between the goal and the objective? … I want to be visit Italy in April, I started saving money and expected to have enough money by April for the trip, once I step on the Italian land, that objective is gone, and I start thinking of the one that’ll follow. Then wut? 20 years from now wut will I be looking back at? A series of finished and unfinished objectives that are completely unrelated and entirely pointless! There’s no goal, and since there’s no goal, there’s no plan, and since no plan, then no point in going on. Imagine urself lost in the desert .. you panic, y? because you’re surrounded by this vast area of endless sand and you cannot see one single path that if you follow will get you somewhere, just anywhere! This is exactly a life without a goal … of course if you keep walking in any direction for long enough – assuming you have isolated the factors of hunger, thirst and potential dangers - you’ll definitely reach smwhere at a certain point. But the question then will be: was this the place I wanted to reach? May be I’ll end up in Marina or end up in Aswan … the nile or the sea? Salty water or pure water? For sure these options are entirely different and for sure you have to have a saying in which you prefer!

So anyways, I decided to dream, and to figure every detail and visualize it as if this is my current life. So here it is … my life …

I’m a travel reporter for a magazine like the national geographic. I travel for weeks and weeks and go through loads of adventure with my husband who is a free-lance photographer working for the same magazine, before we finally go back to our small house right on the mediteranean. Surrounded by a fence of trees and overlooking the sea, with our lovely daughter whose name is “Malika” and whom I’m going to home-school because I don’t believe in educational systems at least in my home country. When we are home, we all wake up together for our early exercise on the beach … oh yeah, I’ve finally shed off those extra pounds I’ve been dragging around for years and now I’m totally in shape and intend to keep it that way ;) Next, I spend the mornings writing and searching in history and geography and sociology books, while my hubby is in his workshop at the end of the house busy developing and sorting his photos and caring for his tools.Then comes my favorite time of the day and that’s when I’m cooking in the kitchen and Malika is helping me with her little hands and her dad comes in, hugs me from behind, plants a kiss on my cheek, goes to change his cloths before he comes and joins us in setting the table.At night we all lie on the big hammock on the beach, star gazing and sharing stories.

Next Post - hopefully - I'll discuss more about the book itself. See you then ;)


sousou said...

mara wa7ed 2al le wa7ed : takhod kaaaaaaaaaam w tewadini fiiiiiiiiiiiiiin???
2alooo edfa3 ay 7aga w enzel hena
that's my uncle's fav nokta
and he also says " law mesh 3aref raye7 fin , yeb2a ay seka tewadik"

yeah , it's good to have a goal,,like to believe in smth and do actions ,,,if u believe in exploring new stuff , new places , knowing new ppl ,,,then probably traveling is a good action u might take

i think it's all about how much u believe in what u do , and doing what u believe in - if that's makes sense :))

Anonymous said...

OMG! I WOULD LOVE to comment on that post...seriously! but then i would need like 2-3 days to finish mocking the book & movie :) and you'd probably loose me as a friend :D

btw, say hi to malika....ana ely gebtelha el barbatooz

PS: do your friends(or anyone who believes in that crap) work in marketing and\or sales, or is an artist?

Anonymous said...

No, seriously this time :)

the goal part i agree with...but the virtual friends\diaries and all this crazy stuff!

If that was true, تلات أربع شباب مصر كان زمانهم مبسوطين دلوقتى.....أو على الأقل مش قاعدين على القهوة

I think it's just a way to lie to yourself about not achieving your goals and dreams.....حاسة فى عقلك الباطن كدة أن الكلام إللى بحلم بيه دة مش حيحصل...فعلى الأقل يعنى أعمل أى حاجة تحسسنى أنى بحاول أوصله

One last question,,, who exactly "receive" these thoughts and convert it into "reality" and then "sends it back" to "source" ? and does this modification to the sent data and the process of resending it, occurs on the TCP/IP stack wala leha nezam tany? :P

Babyblue said...

if u didn't say all that i'd have lost my confidence in u as a developer/ethical hacker!!!
wallah the decades of studying CS tamaro feek :P
i did say i didn't believe in all that crap ... aslan if u see the movie u ARE gonna crack ... it's just too cheesy all in all ... but the basic concept there is nothing but saying "if u do believe in ur dreams/goals strong enough .. then definitely one day YOU will realize them" ... its not just that u'll lay on ur behind all day waiting for it to come true ... but the fact that when u really persist on smthg, u'll find a way to realize it"
If u read my dream, that'll tell u wut? i wanna be a travel reporter ... will i just wake up one day and becom one? of course not!! that entails lots of work i have to do to pursue this dream ... and if i DO wanna live b=in a simple house by the sea NOT in this mad city ... will i just have amnesia and wake up covered with sand n foam with a message in a bottle in my hand saying "u've just been garnted ur wish" ? NO, if i really want to live by sea side, i'll work my behind off trying to fulfill that sm time in my life ... the point is, when i visualize this everyday in my life, then years wont just suck me up in a job behind a PC screen in freakin city stars when all i do for a "get out" is go to spinneys in the middle of the day!!! the "visualization" part is just a method to put persistance into perspective all the time.
As for the dreams and details stuff, well .. as a guy, u definitely wouldn't do/understand that .... guys tend to GENERALIZE everything ... they put a goal and that's about that ... they don't over kill it ba7than wa tadkekan ... they NEVER detail-ize the goal like girls do.
As for Malika, she'll definitely love to hear about uncle Ach and his legendary luck ... u'll be a role model man! hehehe :P

Babyblue said...

As for sending/recieving part i'll talk about it in my next post.

Did u say visualization is just lying to urself? i forgot to comment on that ... to tell ya the truth at the begining i also thought like that .. it sounded too desperate ... but then y don't u look at it from the other side and ask urself: do u REALLY believe that THIS is ur goal??? and how much confidence do u have in ur ability to achieve it??
if u have just an atom of incofidence in ur OWN ability, then the problem is inside u ... visualization just helps u ASSURE urself ... coz i think everyone sooner or later comes to a point of despair ... it's like when ur on diet ... the first few days, may be weeks, u'll be persistant on ur own ... but then as time goes by and those pounds are not shaking or going anywhere, combined with ur inner fear that it'll never do, then u'll just go: the heck man! y can't i just be satisfied with how i am .. i don't really need to be perfect, i'm ok like that" ... now THAT's a loss of perspective ... u r NOT focused! ... but if u put infront of you a picture of urself say 10 years ago when u were in perfect shape, then everyday, and everytime u eat and u see that photo u'll automatically tell urself: "I WAS there one day, I AM gonna be there someday .. just a little persistance now and i'm getting there"
Got wut i mean?

sousou said...

ya3ni kalam w raghi w 7awadeeet w comentat w soda3 ,,,,mafish merci ya sousou ,,,,!!

Babyblue said...

Merci ya Sassou :P

(ya benty e7na mesh qatalna el mawdo3 ba7than w gadalan online??? heya far7a? )

Babyblue said...

Charafantah again:

In the analogy of the diet/photo, i said whenever u see the "visual" and phyical image of urself when you were "IN shape" just as u wish to be, you'd say:
"I WAS there one day, I AM gonna be there someday .. just a little persistance now and i'm getting there"
This is EXACTLY wut happens if u put a visual image of you 10 years from now living in the perfect house, driving the perfect car, etc. ... you'll also come to the ground and say: "I WAS there one day, I AM gonna be there someday .. just a little persistance now and i'm getting there"
It's like reverse engineering ya BashmohandeZZZ :)

المتامل المتالم said...

Izzayek ya Shereen , inty feen we feen akhbar re7letek le lobnan we suria ?

Anonymous said...

مساء الخير…أنزلت إدراج جديد وإنشاء الله يعجبكم أنت وكل الأصدقاء المدونين ….