Thursday, November 23, 2006

It Takes TWO to Tango

Few days ago ... i grabbed a copy of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" for John Gray. And that was the moment when the truth hit me ... i discovered that i was blaming him for the very same reasons that i shouldn't have ... and he has been blaming me for the very same reasons that he shouldn't have (according to J. Gray) ...
For two whole months, i've been having detestfull feelings of resentment, frustration, pressure and being unworthy ...
I now can imagine, how much i must have given him also feelings of un-appreciation, under-estimating his capabilities and resenting his love or actions when they come out in the wrong direction.
No wonder he said at the end: we are different .. we are not listening to each other ...
because ... while he felt i didn't understand him, i felt he didn't appreciate me or care enough ...
while he felt i always get histerically mad at things that simply doesn't make sense to him, i felt he was being so unconsiderate of my feelings, cold and unromantic.
When i was expressing feelings of frutration and being upset, he'd instinctively try to explain to me why he said/did this and that, while i was just expressing my feelings just to feel his care and compassion. However loud i'd express my frustration, he'd simply look for a logical explanation for the problem ... being a martian, he is unaware that when a venusian talks about problems, she wants him just to listen and comfort her, not to get apologies nor explanations.
As J. Gray says in his book:
To summarize the two most common mistakes we make in relationships:
1. A man tries to change a woman's feelings when she is upset by becoming Mr. Fix- It and offering solutions to her problems that invalidate her feelings.
2. A woman tries to change a man's behavior when he makes mistakes by becoming the home-improvements committee and offering unsolicited advice or criticism.
From my side, i did not acknowledge this difference, and thus, was blaming him blindly for wut he was not aware of ... when i myself was unaware of why i have such disappointment in him.

When he gets into his cave, i get the feeling of being ignored and resented ... i never realized that it had nothing to do with me. It was just the martian's nature. (i remember the last day, i was very furious he didn't call me for two whole days, when i called him after 2 days, i had the accomulated sum of feelings of being ignored and losing his attention ... it just scared me and frustrated me at the same time ... i never knew how bad he must have felt that i didn't appreciate his pre-aquired annoyance and didn't leave him alone till he comes out of the cave or even offer comfort and sharing).

When he got upset that i'd tell my parents about our problems, he was thinking as a Martian.
"Men become increasingly focused and withdrawn while women become increasingly overwhelmed and emotionally involved. At these times, a man's needs for feeling good are different from a woman's He feels better by solving problems while she feels better by talking about problems. Not understanding and accepting these differences creates unnecessary friction in our relationships."
That was clear in two seperate reactions:
1. He didn't expect me to speak that frequently about wut annoys me or hurts me. While my only way of relieving my stress was by talking about it, just needing someone to listen and not to offer explanation. Just LISTENING would be enough.
2. He didn't understand why i'd talk to my parents. In his reply to my explanation: that i hardly talk about anything that bothers me, and my parents keep pushing on me to express my feelings ... he said mockingly: "wut do u mean they are pushing you? are they torturing you?"
What i couldn't communicate to him in the right way is that i was having a problem in expressing my feelings to him, because everytime i'd start talking about my upsetion, he instictively puts on the Martian's glasses, seeing only the fact that there IS a problem, and hence, starts to find solutions (whether by apologizing or by saying the famous word that J. Gray puts on the "Dont's List for a man" ... he'd say: "You shouldn't feel hurt, that's not what I meant!" )
When i lost hope that he can give me this "listening" that i needed so bad ... i did what any normal Venusian would do: find someone to share my frustrations with.

Another funny thing is that, J.Gray says: "Martians view going to a restaurant as an efficient way to approach food: no shopping, no cooking, and no washing dishes. For Venusians, going to lunch is an opportunity to nurture a relationship, for both giving support to and receiving support from a friend. Women's restaurant talk can be very open and intimate, almost like the dialogue that occurs between therapist and patient. "
Could that possibly be the reason why we had so many argues on "him not liking restaurants and me liking them"? As i told him before, not as clearly put as J.Gray explains it though, i want to sit somewhere, because i want to sit face to face with you to talk and share thoughts and feelings. This is the way i - as a Venusian - approach my need to recieve giving and sharing feelings.
While he - as a Martian - would only look to sitting in a restaurant as something boring and probably reminds him of the "office" atmosphere.

Also, while i was feeling too giving and not recieving anything from him, he was feeling he is giving enough.
According to the book, Martians live most of their life with a win/lose philosophy. In their younger-years, they are more self-absorbed and unaware of others needs. When they get involved in a relationship, it takes them time to appreciate the other's needs and starting giving more into the relation. They need a long time along the relationship to form a win/win philosophy.
On the other hand, Venusians naturally adopt a lose/win philosophy. They give too much to each other. But this doesn't work when it comes to their relationship with Martians. Because while the Martian is still in the learning process of "giving" ... the Venusian is recieving much less than she expects in order to equate her amount of giving. This inequality eventually results in a feeling of frustration and unappreciation for the woman, while it makes the man feel at the same time that HE is the one who is not appreciated because no matter how hard he tries to give, she is still not satisfied.
And here comes my mistake of not being aware of this. I simply didn't give him time. In the same time, i should have started to learn the new approach of win/win myself, instead of blaming him for my women's nature of being over-giving.

Men get motivated the most when they feel most needed. I have lived most of my life alone - or rather lonely. During my whole childhood, i never had anyone with whom i could share my thoughts or feelings, inspite of my many friends. I'd just keep myself to myself. Being a single child contributed the most to that. Gradually, i developed a very dependant nature, dependant in thoughts, taking responsibilities and taking actions. I was never dependant on anyone, except with sharing feelings as a way of relieving stress (i learned this too late, during college period only). As a consequant of that self-dependance, it was hard for me to give up to a man. To leave the stirring wheel completely to him and let him step confidently into my life. I was in a "resistance" phase, unawaringly. That must have reflected upon him with feelings of not being trusted, not loved, not "needed" and certainly not competent enough for me. It must have given him great disappointment.
He felt i was not sharing my feelings with him, he didn't realize that i was not ready yet to open up completely to him and to involve him in my inner-dialogues. I had been too lonely for a long time that i forgot how a companion needs also needs to feel companionship from my side. In fact, i was slowly changing, not with a rate that could have been noticible to him. The funny thing is that i felt more and more close to him at the end of the relationship, but with all the arguments explonding more and more, it was less and less obvious to him. I even started, for the first time in my life, to speak about my feelings openly to my parents and try to get their advice and involve them in my thoughts.

In Another part, Gray says:
"When a man loves a woman she begins to shine with love and fulfillment. Most men naively expect that shine to last forever. But to expect her loving nature to be constant is like expecting the weather never to change and the sun to shine all the time. Life is filled with rhythms‐day and night, hot and cold, summer and winter, spring and fall, cloudy and clear.
Likewise in a relationship, men and women have their own rhythms and cycles. Men pull back and then get close, while women rise and fall in their ability to love themselves and others.
A man assumes that her sudden change of mood is based solely on his behavior. When she is
happy he takes credit, but when she is unhappy he also feels responsible. He may feel extremely frustrated because he doesn't know how to make things better. One minute she seems happy, and so he believes he is doing a good job and then the next minute she is unhappy. He is shocked because he thought he was doing so well. "
Reminds me of one incident when i was feeling really destressed and fatigued, i met a friend and i was talking to her in a little more cheerfull tone than i talked to him. He immediately felt jealous and "shocked" as Gray says. I never gave it a thought and i was really surprised at his reaction. Not knowing that i was the one who shifted my mood too fast, probably at the wrong moment and with the wrong person as well.

"A woman is like a wave. When she feels loved her self‐ esteem rises and falls in a wave motion. When she is feeling really good, she will reach a peak, but then suddenly her mood may change and her wave crashes down. This crash is temporary. After she reaches bottom suddenly her mood will shift and she will again feel good about herself. Automatically her wave begins to rise back up. " .... Once i was almost at the bottom, and one silly word that he said that might have sounded very normal at any other time simply "crashed me" ... and normally when i crash, i just curl up my own cave and cannot give any response until my wave rises on its own.

"A woman's ability to give and receive love in her relationships is generally a reflection of how she is feeling about herself. When she is not feeling as good about herself, she is unable to be as accepting and appreciative of her partner. At her down times, she tends to be overwhelmed or more emotionally reactive. When her wave hits bottom she is more vulnerable and needs more love. It is crucial that her partner understand what she needs at these times, otherwise he may make unreasonable demands. "
How many time have i exploded in his face because "I" was at the bottom, not just "not feeling good" about myself, but rather "hating" myself. With my struggle with dieting and the tension of daily struggle to lose weight, i was very unsatisfied about myself. At that time when i was most vulnerable and needed more love and support, he was wearing a fix-it hat, telling me "you should stop dieting" ...
"The last thing a woman needs when she is on her way down is someone telling her why she shouldn't be down. What she needs is someone to be with her as she goes down, to listen to her while she shares her feelings, and to empathize with what she is going through. Even if a man can't fully understand why a woman feels overwhelmed, he can offer his love, attention, and support."

I'm still not through half the book, yet i've learned a lot. I have acknowledged a lot of my mistakes and his mistakes. I've come to really appreciate him much more.
However, as the title of this blog hints ... it takes TWO to Tango. A relationship is a very sensitive and tricky matter ... it has to be approached by BOTH partners, acknowledging their differences and truely willing to understand each other.

He said we are different, indeed we are. we MUST be. He is from Mars, and i'm from Venus.
He said may be we wouldn't manage to live together and be happy. This is something completely up to us, happiness is something we can create or destroy by our actions and our re-actions. Happiness is an output of a correct communication. Up till this point, we were NOT communicating ... we were just standing on the two ends of a rope, each one pulling against the other untill the rope was finally broken.

The elevator

My office is on the 11th floor.
Every time i go down in the elevator, it - the elevator - hangs a little bit at the 8th floor, one would be fooled that it's gonna stop.
Why the 8th floor? i dunno ... it's always been like that ... But now ...
Everytime i go down in the elevator, my heart dangles with it ... it just stops for a fraction of a second ... anticpating the continuity of the journey ...
Will our story be the same? will this be just a dangling moment after which we'd continue together?
And everytime, i hold my breath ... will the door slide and you step in?
and then my breath comes out .. with a sigh ... coz that face is not like you ... that face doesn't catch my eyes like you do ...
And everytime, i wonder ... when i hit the ground floor ... will it be my destiny to reach the end of this short journey alone?
And everytime, i get lost in the thought ... when i pass through the gate, is this the gate of the past that i'm leaving behind? or will i find another gate? will we meet someday infront of it? if so, will we enter or withdraw?
And everytime, i walk up to the parking lot ... not looking for my car ... but for another car ... i can still smell the scent of the air refreshner inside it ... i still remember how you fold up the shades.
I get into my car ... driving down the same street ...
And i get out of my thoughts ... i have to go on ...
until another day ...
when i get into that elevator again.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

متى ستعرف كم أهواك؟

متى ستعرف كم أهواك يا رجلا
أبيع من أجله الدنيـــا وما فيها
يا من تحديت في حبي له مدنـا
بحالهــا وسأمضي في تحديهـا
لو تطلب البحر في عينيك أسكبه
أو تطلب الشمس في كفيك أرميها
أنـا أحبك فوق الغيم أكتبهــا
وللعصافيـر والأشجـار أحكيهـا
أنـا أحبك فوق الماء أنقشهــا
وللعناقيـد والأقـداح أسقيهـــا
أنـا أحبك يـا سيفـا أسال دمي
يـا قصة لست أدري مـا أسميها
أنـا أحبك حاول أن تسـاعدني
فإن من بـدأ المأساة ينهيهـــا
وإن من فتح الأبواب يغلقهــا
وإن من أشعل النيـران يطفيهــا
يا من يدخن في صمت ويتركني
في البحر أرفع مرسـاتي وألقيهـا
ألا تراني ببحر الحب غارقـة
والموج يمضغ آمـالي ويرميهــا
إنزل قليلا عن الأهداب يا رجلا
مــا زال يقتل أحلامي ويحييهـا
كفاك تلعب دور العاشقين معي
وتنتقي كلمــات لست تعنيهــا
كم اخترعت مكاتيبـا سترسلها
وأسعدتني ورودا سوف تهديهــا
وكم ذهبت لوعد لا وجود لـه
وكم حلمت بأثـواب سأشريهــا
وكم تمنيت لو للرقص تطلبني
وحيـرتني ذراعي أين ألقيهـــا
ارجع إلي فإن الأرض واقفـة
كأنمــا فرت من ثوانيهــــا
إرجـع فبعدك لا عقد أعلقــه
ولا لمست عطوري في أوانيهــا
لمن جمالي لمن شال الحرير لمن
ضفـائري منذ أعـوام أربيهــا
إرجع كما أنت صحوا كنت أم مطرا
فما حياتى أنا إن لم تكن فيها

قصة خلافاتنا

برغم جميع خلافاتنا
برغم جميع قراراتنا
بأن لا نعود
... برغم العداء
... برغم الجفاء
... برغم البرود
برغم انطفاء ابتساماتنا
برغم انقطاع خطاباتنا
فثمه سر خفي
يوحد ما بين أقدارنا
ويدني مواطئ أقدامنا
... ويفنيك فيي
... ويصهر نار يديك بنار يدي
برغم جميع خلافاتنا
برغم اختلاف مناخاتنا
برغم سقوط المطر
برغم استعاده كل الهدايا... وكل الصور
برغم الاناء الجميل الذي قلت عنه انكسر
... برغم رتابة ساعاتنا
... برغم الضجر
فلا زلت أؤمن أن القدر
يصر على جمع أجزائنا
... ويرفض كل اتهاماتنا
برغم خريف علاقاتنا
برغم النزيف بأعماقنا
... واصرارنا
على وضع حد لمأساتنا
... بأي ثمن
برغم جميع ادعاءاتنا
... بأني لن
... وأنك لن
... فاني أشك بامكاننا
فنحن برغم خلافتنا
ضعيفان في وجه أقدارنا
شبيهان في كل أطوارنا
... دفاترنا
... لون أوراقنا
... وشكل يدينا وأفكارنا
... فحتى نقوش ستاراتنا
وحتى اختيار اسطواناتنا
دليل عميق
... على اننا
... رفيقا مصير
... رفيقا طريق
برغم جميع حماقاتنا

Monday, August 07, 2006

يا حرية

طلعنا .... حررنا
طلعنا على الضو طلعنا على الريح
طلعنا على الشمس طلعنا على الحرية
يا حرية يا زهرة نارية يا طفلة وحشية يا حرية
صرخو عالعالي على العالي اركضو بالحقالي على العالي
قولو للحرية نحنا جينا و افرحوا افرحوا
يا ليل يا حب يا دروب يا حجار الحقونا عالشجرة البرية
غيرو اساميكن اذا فيكن لونو عيونكم اذا فيكن
خبو حريتكم بجيابكم و اهربو اهربو
عالضو عالريح عالشمس عالبرد عبيادر مضويه و منسيه
Here we rise , We are free
Here we rise to the light , to the wind , to the sun , to the Freedom
Oh Freedom , you burning bush , a wild child you are
Shout loudly high to the ultimate distances
run in the fields to the ultimate distances
tell the Freedom "we have come" and rejoice
Oh Night , oh Night OH Roads Oh Stones !
Follow us to the wild tree
Change your names if you can ,
the color of your eyes if you can
Hide your freedom in your pockets and run away
Run to the light , to the the wind to the sun to the cold
to forgotten areas of Light
Run Away

Thursday, July 20, 2006

No Comment! :(

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Yacoubian Building ... The Filthy Image - or is it the True one - of our society

And finally i went to Yacoubian Building, the celebrated movie based on a famous novel carrying the same name ... this is the Da Vinci Code big hit equivalent in the egyptian media. Well ... it's no secret that the egyptian media industry is more westernized - inside out - than any other thing in our society ... but this movie has made one big leap in that area by breaking one of the biggest taboos in the egyptian/arabic society: homosexuality.
I don't remember i ever heard the term itself "homosexual" except few years ago, and mainly from american movies, needless to say "imagining" that these ppl existed on earth! Even religious speech about the people of Lut, comes with more hinting and concealed words than using the word "homosexual" ... even when used in casual writings, the word "homosexuality" is replaced with "the doing of the people of Lut" ...
Ok, one might think that i'm for putting things in their right terms and sex-education and bla bla bla ... i do believe that "adab" in speach by using concealed words is an attribute of a healthy human being, coz by the time, using more open and plain words makes it sorta "usual" to you ... ACCEPTANCE if you know wut i mean ... let's see .. if you tell a kid "the doing of the ppl of Lut" ... he's probably gonna automatically recall the stories of wut happened to these ppl and their condemenation by God ... wutever ur religion is ... that should automatically give the message of resentment to his subconcious towards the whole issue ... but using the word "homosexual" doesn't really refer to anything ... moreover, the suffix "sexual" might be appealing to the subconcious, afterall "sexual" desire is a part of every human being .. and by the time, the term gets more and more accepted. Rest my case? ... i'll talk more about "subliminal messages" laterz coz i've been told about this a while ago and currently checking some articles about it.
Ok ... moving back to the movie ... the Yacoubian Building literally comprises a wonderful mixture of some of the weirdst SCUM of the earth ...
1. a drunk womanizer who still hangs on to his family name and his inherited "pacha" title ... in one scene he says ... "Allah, why don't you give me a discount? 20% ... 50% ... 100% ... you are merciful" ... i really dunno wuts the purpose of this scene ... show us that every scum does know God? so? was this "repentance" ? and then another hour of the movie drinking and sleeping with his office girl? DUH!
2. a homesexual journal director who goes hunting men in the street ... the gravity of this character is that it is played with such a professionalism that you'd actually LIKE it ... all the ppl were laughing all the time in the cinema .. at his movements, the way he speaks ... yeah, he is a freak of nature to most ppl, but subconciously you are "accepting him"... you "like" him .. while the normal reaction of a balanced human should be resentment!! He is shown in a late scene as a victim ... his mother was sleeping with another man and he found no one to turn to but the nubian servant who raped him when he was only a child ... so, his homosexuality is all projected on a miserable childhood! and he comes up with a funny theory trying to justify his sin ... "you know wut is surely a sin? adultury ... a man sleeping with a woman outside marriage is "haram" ... and this is to avoid confusion is relativness etc. ... but wut about men? DUH! men doesn't get pregnant!" ... ok .. that scene was HILARIOUS!! ppl around me were rolling on the floor ... while actually it is a misery ... ! I believe this is one of the most dangerous effects of this movie ... while all ppl are talking about is how it is a break of the taboo, they never realize the consequences of giving such a message out ... the movie just leaves you to your own thoughts, it does not show any reactions regarding this character ... in fact, there's one scene when the Pacha meets the gay man on the stairs, coming home with his precious catch - the policeman he picked from the street - and the pacha just makes some funny comments hinting at his homosexuality ... another face of an "acceptance" message.
3. a pretending-to-be religious man who owns a series of stores and seeks to enter the parliment through bribery and finally revealed to be drug-dealing (note that all the movie he was on the path of "Allah said and his messenger said" )
4. the christian tailor (who also swears with the "living christ" all the movie) who persuades his young neighbour who works in a clothes store to get the owner of the store to buy some of his tailored clothes by seducing him ... and later tries to persuade her to make the pacha sign a partnership contract after seducing him and making him drunk so that he, the tailor, could take over the flat after the pacha's death.
5. the Pacha's sister who is always insulting him and hitting him for being the drunk womanizer he is, and finally kicks him out of the house, raises a law suit against him to rob him off his money, office .. etc .. and finally breaks into his office with a bunch of police officers accusing him of adultry.
The only two positive characters that are worth noting are:
6. Taha, the son of the building keeper who fails to join the police academy despite his high grades, only for the sole reason of being the son of a building keeper ... he then joins another faculty, where he gets engaged with an islamic activity group, unshaves his beard, wears a white gilbab ... the typical stereotype of the "islamic terrorist" despite the fact that the movie never shows any signs of terrorism intentions except may be the military camp they had ... the movie doesn't even expose any sign of "corrupted" thoughts ... that is if the author doesn't consider wut the imam said in his soromon of the government that encourages tourism by providing alcohols and dancers - which is very true btw - as "corrupted" thoughts!! ... anyways, taha gets arrested by national security during a demonstration, he gets tortured and sexually abused and gets out determined on taking revenge from the officer who ordered his torture ... and he does ... only to end up with a scene where he and his abuser are lying dead side by side covered with blood ... was taha a victim? he sure was ... but the last scene gives you the impression that they were both wrong ... the islamist and the abuser!!
7. the poor young girl, taha's fiance, who is sexually harrassed by every employer she works for ... in one of the early scenes, her mother summarizes how she'll end up when she said "everyone is free to do wutever he wants with his clothes, the important thing is that you keep your clothes on" ... and later confirmed by her cousin "preserve yourself without annoying anyone" .. in another never to be put better sentence describing how such a girl, and we have millions of them, lives: "you are pretty? there are many of you ... you have a diploma? diplomas are hanged on every wall" ... the most brutal truth that can hit you about your society ... a society that considers you as a scumbag as long as you are poor ... if you are a girl then you are used as a sex object ... for 10 pounds ... you r a human trash!

Ok ... the movie is highly depressing ... when you think about it as a highly realistic microscopic "photo" of the society, you'll only get frustrated .. and probably kneel in gratefulness to Allah that you have enough money to sit on the other side of a PC reading this, and surely not in Yacoubian Building!

Monday, June 05, 2006

No News WAS Good News ;-)

Hmm ... been so loooooong since i last blogged ...
Would that be because ... mmm ... I GOT ENGAGED??

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Old Man & The Boy

The old man took his seat
Under one lonely tree;
He tiredly stretched his feet,
And silently gazed at me.

I drew nearer to his place..
“Come here boy, don’t be afraid,
You’re still young, with a fair face
That knows nothing of life” he said

And what is life, sir?”Said I.
The old man laughed a lot.
And wandering into the sky
He said: how silly a question you got!

Life, son, is a wide sea
If you know how to sail.
Either fearless you be
Or forever you shall fail.

Life is a stage, on which people act;
Each has a different role..
Some are faked and some are fact;
And at the end all the masks will fall.

I asked:” how was it, the time
You were born, master?”
Time, boy, goes without reason or rhyme
There’re ages of gloom & ones of luster

And time is nothing but steam,
Yesterday is today’s memory,
Tomorrow is today’s dream…
And that too, will soon be history.

I was born in an age of true sight;
Dark was the night, on our days sun rised
Wrong was wrong and right was right,
But as I grew older, I realized…

That things were no longer that plain;
There were days darker than night
When moments of pleasure hid hours of pain;
Yet there were nights that shined bright.

“And what is pain?” I said, wandering.
It is something you must feel
When you reach your understanding,
When you know the difference between fancy & real.

Then I said:” speak to me of self-knowledge!”
That’s what is hidden in your thought,
But with your tongue it does challenge.
That, in words, it can’t be brought

“But what about words, sir?”
He said: there are people who are talking’
To avoid loneliness they cannot bear,
Others don’t, of fear their self-secrecy be broken!

And there are those who reveal a truth
Without understanding what it holds;
And there are others who enclose
That truth, but they tell it not in words.

“Then what is truth? I pray you say “
It’s the monsters raised by your own mind;
These are the price of thinking that you pay,
And it’s the one thing you can never find.

“But if I work, even if I strive…?”
Nay, son. Work is life, it’s life’s love,
And by work you hold secrets of life;
But truth is a mirage that can only bluff!

“Life’s love!?, how is love, sir?”
Love ways, boy, are hard and steep;
When it beckons, follow it, and be aware,
Seek for it, climb high and dive deep.

Love may hurt and grind you,
So that you may know secrets of your heart;
But in those things that you knew
You become a fragment of life’s heart.

Your talk is sweet, my dear friend.”
Smiling he said: in the dew of little things
The heart finds it’s morning & is refreshed;
And that’s what life with a friend brings.

“When your friend tells what’s in his mind,
Fear not to say “no”, nor do you withhold the “yes”
And when he is silent, search for what’s behind
And listen to what his heart says.

Grieve not if your friend parts from you,
For that which you love most in him
Clearer in his absence it may grow,
And his faults are not as bad as they seem.

“ Why are we happy, then we get sad?”
They are both one, joy is your sorrow,
Just when it is bare and unmasked…
When one comes, remember that the other’ll follow.

And when memories are all you have
Tears shall be all you get
For you may forget who shared your laugh,
But never the one with whom you’ve wept.

“And what are memories?” I said.
They are sealed records of our past;
Of words we said or deeds we made.
So that the virtues of life would last.

“ Then tell me what is virtue?”
Virtue is everything good in all;
But good is something really vague,
It’s all you find when you reach your soul.

“ And how do you see beauty?”
It is a song one hears,
And an image he can see,
Though he closes his eyes & shuts his ears.

And beauty is what you feel inside
It’s what your heart beats for,
And if this gift is exiled
You shall be living no more.

“ How can this happen when I’m free,for god’s sake?”
Nay, freedom is life’s taste, my dear
Freedom is something you do make
When you break your extreme fear.

When your shadows are no longer there,
Then, light of freedom will rise on your face
And you shall come out of your lair
And then, you have keys of the space.

“Tell me more of your knowledge!” I told him.
Oh! You can never wear another man’s vision gown
And a wise man gives you not keys of his wisdom,
But leads you to ones of your own.

And I am old, but I’m still
This life’s ignorant child
Lots of dreams I have to fulfill,
And many answers I have to find.

I’ve been climbing this knowledge mountain
Trying to reach it’s misty summit
But, neither the "reason" did I gain,
Nor the "wisdom soul" had I met.

Sometimes the mists would go,
When some drops of rain would fall
Then, I’d behold the top as it glows
And the giant of desire in me’d call.

I would wish that the vision
Would take me on it’s wings,
And ease the thirst of my passion
And that glitter to my heart it brings.

I was like Prometheus – the myth –
Striving to find the light,
Wishing to get its bless,
And to move darkness from his sight.

Indeed he did reach his aim;
And for that, he got his punishment.
And I was fearless to end up the same,
Yet, I didn’t make my own achievement.

And man has nothing but to carry on,
To struggle against this reality;
And to fear not being alone,
Such belief is what gave life eternity.

And in this, you should follow my every word,
For the effort of searching is too much for me to exert;
And soon, boy, I shall leave this world
And gone will be all I’ve gained or learnt.

But it’s enough for me that I
Gave you the nectar of my humble knowledge,
That will show you the way after I die,
And provide you with persistence and courage.

And as death will come for sure,
So shall you leave one day, too
But not till you add to what I gave you before,
And hand it to the one who’ll continue after you.

For death is just the beginning, not the end;
The start of another blooming life.
And only the matter is to be dead,
But the soul shall ever be alive.

Free in the ether it wanders
Blessing those who understand the value of it
The gift of comfort to them it renders,
And their hearts shall it lit.

“I do understand what you mean,
but what if I lost my aspect ?”
you should go to where you once did begin ,
and try again ,taking faults into respect .

That was all you had to know, son.
Now, take your way into the world;
In your heart you’ve got the heat of the sun
And secrets of life your soul does fold.

Let life not trick you, boy
And always have faith in you.
Live it not with sorrow, but with joy;
And cry not over what time once blew.

You have all the years ahead
To achieve what I couldn’t gain;
And if the path one day does bend,
Be sure it will straighten again.

Someday, behind that far cloud,
You’ll come, and I’ll open the door;
And you’ll tell me what you’ve found
And I shall learn from you more.

Then, the old man raised from his lie,
And the last of him I saw
Was a smile with a sigh ‘
And a wave, and “Adieu!”


BAbyblue, 21 MAY 1999

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Yesterday i came across quite a very interesting story on one of the blogs

I copy:

I sold my car yesterday to a Russian guy named Mehei. I really liked Mehei, especially his scraggly goatee. A few days ago, Mehei came and checked out my car for the first time, liked it, and made a provisional offer, but he wanted to get it checked out by a mechanic before he agreed on a final purchase price. I told Mehei that if other people called in the meantime, I would show them the car, but if they made an offer, I would call him and give him first right of refusal. I felt a little slick doing this, but hey, I needed to get as much money as I could get from my car.
The next day, a guy by the name of Ahmed called me, and we agreed on a time that he would come to see my car. He drove it, and really liked it. I told him that there was another offer on the table, but that it wasn't final, so I would accept an offer from him if he would like to make one. I was trying to play both of these guys so that I could get them into a bidding war and get more money for my car. You know, the whole love wins thing.
Err.....When I told Ahmed that there was another offer on the table, he politely said that he did not want to get in the way of this other guy getting my car, since he was there first. He started to say, "It's against my..." and then he finished by simply saying that "I just would not like to do that to the other guy. It wouldn't be fair."
I looked Ahmed in the eyes and told him that I thought he was very honorable, and inwardly I felt a little ashamed.
I immediately wanted to sell my car to Ahmed. He was a genuinely honorable person who was practicing the golden rule with sincerity and humility. I feel in my spirit that Ahmed loves God. I do not know this, I'm just saying that's how I felt when I was around him -- that's what my spirit discerned. I prayed for Ahmed that night.
Ahmed is a Muslim.

No comment from my side except الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام و كفى بها نعمة

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sand Storm in Egypt

Yesterday around 5:00 pm, Egypt's sky turned into orange-yellow colour in cause of one of the worst sand storms i've ever seen here. Weird that we r also past the spring season already!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Egyptian Marriages - the biggest of all culture crabs! - Episode 2 (The Wedding)

Do you have any idea how much money Egyptians spend on wedding parties alone every year?
I wish i had an exact statistic, but i can solidly say it should be at least a figure of 8 digits ... based on the fact that the single wedding costs thousands of pounds.
Let's elaborate shwaia on the wedding party preparations.
First, there are actually several faces of celebrations related to the wedding.
Usually, the first one is "reading the Fatiha" which is normally done with the attendence of only the close family members, with of course dinner and flowers and "gateaux".
Then, comes the engagement, which a lot of ppl tend to make it a real party, usually in a hotel ... ok, so this means that:
1. They rent a hall in a hotel
2. Make a list of invitees
3. Keep deducting names from the least of the invitees if they exceed their financial limit (coz hotels charge by person, which would be a minimum 150 pounds)
4. The bride has to prpare a nice soiree gawn and the groom a nice suite.
Speak about all the money and effort involved in such an occasion which is for only one night (and according to statistics on my circle of friends alone, 7 of every 10 engaged couples usually break up!)
Next comes Katb el ketab ... which is done in the mosque ... some ppl even set conditions on the mosque itself ... it should be x and not y! Subhannallah!Some ppl have a party celebrating katb el ketab (AGAIN???! ... yes) ... but most ppl just celebrate it privetly afterwards.
Anyways ... here comes the big day ... the wedding ... First there are many many many preparations to be done:
1. The two couples take a tour around all the hotels in the city ... looking at wedding halls, comparing prices, checking menues of food and wedding programs and usually getting frustrated by the results that they might as well just call off the wedding! (Did u know that there are 30% tax on hotel hall rentalS ?)

2. The two couples take a seat, deep breath and start comparing their options. Most of the time accompanied by a a lot of arguing. (worse if parents are there)

3. Make a list of invitees ... but then, usually comes up that they will have to deduct a lot of names again due to financial limits. And here comes the real dilemma ... the bride/groom will be put in a situation when they must satisfy everyone ... of who? the invitees of course ... so: if i don't invite x he will be upset, and if i invite y and x is not there, y is gonna tell x ... so let's invite x and just not invite z!
The funny thing is: most of the invitees of hotel-style weddings are ppl whom the bride and groom hardly know aslan. Coz they are usually old family relatives/friends that the FAMILIES (not the couples) have to invite. While most logical ppl would think in the "closest, closer and then close" perspective, egyptians do not ... so, i as a bride, would rather invite 15 ppl i don't even know their names (but my parents do) than invite 15 of my closest friends who will really make my day happier coz i know they'll be really happy for me not just "attending the wedding of smone's daughter ...nice food ;) "!!!

4. Go to the chosen hotel. Re-check the wedding program by adding/modifying/ deleting items. Food menus are also subject to criticism and "oh! they don't have @#$#? yaaaaaay ... they are so old fashioned" kinda thing!

5. the bride goes for endless shopping hunting a wedding dress that's not like her cousin's who just got married and that's put all the groom's female family members speechless!(Do you know how much a wedding dress costs? THOUSANDS ... do you know how many times one gets to actually wearing? once? Nope :P actually TWICE ... one time "trying it" in a closed room and one time in the wedding itself!

Now we come to the wedding day itself ... check wut happens.
1. Say wedding is at 8 ... ppl start arriving at 9 ... stay for an hour doing nothing put checkig up each other - litteraly speaking : check this girl's dress, that boy looks cute, i have a 22 years old daughter .. how old is your son? 24? Perfect! -Then the couples arrive at roughly 10 pm (2 hours from the fixed time)

2. As they enter the hall, there MUST be "Asmaa Allahu Al Hosna" with the voice of Hesham Abbas at the beginning ... i must have had this more than a hundred times over the past 2 years alone .. in every engagement/katb ketab/wedding! It's simply in the syllabus! And the couples just stand there, everyone looking at them for 10 min. .. 10 min doing nothing, just standing there and putting a silly smile on their faces!

3. zaffa starts(they have to choose out of several types ... alexandrian, Dameyettan, ballet ... etc) .. zaffa is a wedding marche ... (AFTER the previous 10 min. of standing, yes)

4. The couples go and sit in "el kousha" which are two ornamented seats in the middle of the hall. They sit there for not less than other 15 min. doing also nothing but listening to the DJ ... worse: sm girls might decide to show their talents in belly dancing ... well, there's music afterall and nobody seems to be doing anything anyways .. DUH!

5. In some weddings, there's some famous singer in the show. he takes several thousands just for a playback! you'll ask, y not let the DJ play his songs? coz his attendence adds value to the wedding ... ppl would keep speaking about seeing him in X's wedding for weeks! WOW!

6. The wedding planner or coordinator is the hotel representative who says when the program item starts. At some point of the night, he has to go invite the couples to the dance floor. If they refuse, he keeps insisting and insisting and might call for assistance from the attendance to come and drag the bride and groom into the dance floor ... if the groom is solid enough to resist, this might turn into an actual fight between him and the coordinator (and believe me, i've seen it)

7. Another program item is cutting the cake. A wedding is judged based on several criteria. One of them is -believe it or not- how many levels is the cake! in some weddings, it can reach TEN layers! (all of which are fake btw, they are un-eatable .. and only the one that the couples are instructed to cut is the real one) ... The wedding planner (again that provoking guy) would do such a stupid thing as hold a fork (with a piece of the cake of course) between the two couples and asks them to take a bite (again, if they refuse he might as well accuse them of screwing up
"HIS" program) ... it's about 3 min. of funny scene coz the two of them keep getting closer then back and closer and back ... then the wedding-planner/provoker does the quite expected act of pulling away the fork as the bride and groom both get closer to it ... ehem! does anybody know that a man kissing his wife in public is NOT permissible in islam? In one wedding, the groom got fed up with the whole thing, he just pushed away the guy's hand with the fork and kissed the bride and said to the guy "There ... satisfied now?" .... !!!!

There are a lot and a lot of other stupid program items in my bag, but i'm tired of counting. Anyways, you got the whole picture ... just endless time and effort wasted on stupid stuff!
People can still have a happy wedding without all this stuff!

till next episode ... think of other ways to have a happy wedding :)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Egyptian Marriages - the biggest of all culture crabs!

I had a couple of heated discussions about "marriage" the other day.
Well the first one was mainly about the whole point of marriage. You see, egyptians have a very intelligent reason for marriage ... they have a very famous saying for it: "Sunnet el 7ayah" ... it's life, or life's nature! Ya salaaaam ... so ppl just get married just because their parents did it, and they should also get married and have kids so that life'd continue. Ok, it a good reason BUT not the SOLE reason. Otherwise life would be just "botton taled wa ardon tabla3" ... just uteruses delivering babies and earth that swallows ... that's how they used to describe the days of "jaheleya" before islam by the way ... which is a very funny coincidence, since this means we are going back in time!
For Allah's sake ... it's not getting married just for the sake of getting married! DUH! I wanna marry smone who understands me ... who cares about what i think, what i wanna do in life ... i want to share my dreams with him, i wanna know his goals, help him reach it ... or better we reach a common goal together. i want a man who wants to raise his children to have independent thought, who'd make a difference in their world before OUR world ...Unfortunately, a lot,if not most, egyptian marriages never consider that. A guy proposes and the parents qualify him (basically on financial and mannarism levels) and the girl sees if he is good, have good thoughts ... etc. and that's it ... ok .. he's cool. Yalla!
hardly do they discuss things like: lifestyle, friendship, goals, concepts in life in general ... what they like to do, what they wanna achieve for short and long term goals, how they'd like to raise their children, what'd happen if they dis-agree on smthg ... etc. Somehow they miraculously skip all these details and they find about it laterz, then they find that they have to make compromises coz regarding these things, they simply do not match!
Smone once told me that marriage is an upgraded friendship. I WISH! look at friends ... they have many things in common, they like to hang out together, they support each other, they respect wut each want to do ... it's not just "friendship for the sake of friendship" DUH!

The second discussion had two points. The first point was concerning the choice. Why is it that a man is always the one who chooses the bride and not the other way around. In the egyptian culture, it's considered a shame if a girl says i like this guy and i'd like to have him as a husband. It's HIM who always have to take the first step. And i really cannot find anything islamic that says it cannot be the other way around. Take the story of the daughter of Al Khedr in the story of Moussa (pbuh). SHE saw that he was a well-mannered person and SHE showed her father that she admired him. (Decode: SHE was the one who first made the choice) In fact, lady Khadijah was the one who took the first step, sending her maid to ask the prophet (pbuh) for marriage. Smone told me: well, yeah ... but you are not anything like lady Khadijah and surely he cannot be anything like the prophet (pbuh). Oh C'mon! do u really buy this? First, i'm talking about the concept. It had nothing to do with the attributes or manners of the two persons. Second, the fact that such a thing could happen, BEFORE isalm, in the then strict closed arab society, proves that this was something normal and acceptable. (Decode: wut we have now in our culture, that it's a shame for a woman to show that she admires a man is just culture crab).
Now, don't get me wrong here ... i'm not saying: all you girls out there go and pick homsoever you want, grab them and take them back home to meet the parents. C'mon be reasonable.I'm simply thinking logical. Being a reasonable person, a girl can say that i like this man because he is so and so and i think he'd make a good husband and a good father for my children ... and if you look at it from the other side, it's not humiliation or that she's desperate or anything that culture crab would suggest ... it's simply saying that: this man is "well qualified" to deserve me ...In fact, this is more dignified than being a doll put up for exhibition where every now and then smone passes by, examines her manners and speech and then say yes or no. Cause this is how most marriages happen now in Egypt. The "arranged marriages" style. which i'm also not against. But if i had to choose between smone i know his qualities and i think he is good and between just "considering" smone i dunno at all but he happened to knock on the door ... hmm, the options doesn't take much thinking i guess!
well, that friend i was talking to said "did I tell you the 25% theory?" when a man proposes to a woman either of the cases can happen: either she likes him and he does not like her, the contrary, they both don't like each other or 25% probably they will both like each others! Subhannallah! then which is better?
The other point was the complications of marriage in Egypt. 100% culture crab! I remember once an american friend was telling about smthg. that happened to her when she went to visit her neighbours .. egyptian ones ... they were chatting and the american happened to mention smthg bout a friend - amrican of course- who's coming to egypt and trying to get sm help with finding an appartment and stuff anyways, the whole discussion turned into wut? the egyptian neighbour and her daughters turned against the american saying that foreign women come to Egypt to steel our men - ehem! btw, she was saying this to my american friend who is married to an egyptian :) ... stupidity is a gift! anyways, i remember that we discussed it and said that egyptians make sooo many complications for marriages ... while things are pretty much simpler with western ppl and that may be that's y egyptian men prefer to marry non-arabs!
I saw this with my own eyes. houses that are not fancy-furnished, even lacks a lot of wut egyptian classy ppl would consider as ESSENTIALS ... Take curtains for one thing; I entered the kitchen at work - yeah, that's not a typing error, we do have a nice kitchen at work ... tell you about how much i feel homy at E laters :P - and there were a bunch of guys who are either engaged or ex-engaged and they were talking about wut? the curtains! they say it's the worst bloody thing in marriage preparations ... endless search for the right color/style/material ... etc. and of course endless arguments between bride-groom, bride-mother in law, mother-mother in law ... !@$#@#%#$%#$!
For western ppl, may be they have these things, may be they wanna have these things, but they don't just make a big deal about it ... life for these ppl is just simple ... these things r trivial things and i think, mashaa Allah, all of them are really happy and content with wut they have and wut they don't have now, i guess, all comes to those who wait!I don't deny that when i go to a nice appartment i can admire the painting or the furniture or wutever, and i'd say to myself: yeah, i'd like to have that in my appartment inshaa Allah ... and i know that these western ppl probably think the same ... but i honestly don't give too much concern for these stuff khales ... if we can afford it then elhamdullelah, and if not, then some day we might inshaa Allah. What's the fun about having everything set and ready from the begining aslan. i'd like to build my home piece by piece. but i know i'm gonna go thru hell if i get married to an egyptian that's y i really favour western marriages.
The problem is that in egyptian society, ppl give very high consideration for wut other ppl - the society they say - would say or think about them. to me, this is just being coward and not true to oneself nor to Allah. How many of us would really think, when getting married, about how they'll be accounted infront of Allah on this family they're starting to build rather than think wut ppl who'd visit them would think about their appartment or wut they'd say about their wedding ceremony?why not just don't care wut ppl say? ... beauty is in the eye of the beholder ... i don't mind if ppl visit me and my walls are not painted or i don't have curtains! wut more or less does furniture and these stuff make of my marriage? nothing ... so y not concentrate on the real things that build up my marriage (i.e, me and my husband and our dreams and goals in life)?and don't we just contradict ourselves? The prophet (pbuh) says: etha ga2akom mn tardawna deenaho wa 2amanataho fa zawegoh ... if someone proposes whose religion and honesty satisfies you, let him marry ... he never said anything about the his money/appartment/car/furniture!
and how was the house of the prophet (pbuh) himself? He (pbuh) used to sleep on a bed of straw that left marks on his back (pbuh) ... ppl would say: well! that's the prophet ... well yeah ... DUH ... whose prophet? isn't it the same prophet that we are supposed to follow his footsteps or wut? I'm not saying we SHOULD sleep on a bed of straw, but if we cannot have a bed of feathers, we shouldn't go whinning about it and complaining that "oh mummy, he doesn't loooooove me ... i don't wanna marry him!" ... or "daughter, this guy is no good for you, he wants you to sleep on a normal bed? not a water bed? hell no!" ... subhannallah! we r just attached to materialistic culture crab and the disaster is: we just cannot not admit it!
Moreover, we r fooling ourselves by talking about a groom with "good manners" and a "good person" and "respectable family" and "modesty" .... coz when it's time for the real thing ... khalas .. forget about all this and start ... no, he should get a better shabka ... he should pay higher mahr, the furniture is still or modern? the colors of the appartment have to be changed ... etc.and if u look at it ... i don't want all this. ... simply because if he does get all this, he gets it from his parents money ... and i don't want my man to be dependant on big can a guy's salary be to satisfy all this? Get real!
And Parents ... OOOH ... these are a whole other story. I think for quite a big percentage of marriage failures, the main reason behind it were the parents. Meet the Parents! There's a ground rule that have to be layed before going any step further. Parents should NEVER be allowed to interfer in couples' affairs. What happens bet. a husband an a wife keeps between them. Neither she should go and tell her parents he did so and so to me nor he should do the same. Simply, coz everything, every argument, every hard feeling can easily be mended bet. the couples, but never between the two families. Mothers have a God-given gift for keeping a whole partition of their memory chip in their brains TOTALLY dedicated to save every single word that's been said and retrieve it when necessary - usually whenever the inlaws are there or when the mother feels an urge to remind him of how good they've been to him for letting their daughter continue with himr after he said what he said! Of course this is on the bride's mother side. coz the husband's mother uses a different technique, just poisoning her son's thoughts against his wife/ family in law or both.Ppl might say i'm exagerrating ... well, things do happen. And on the minor scale, at least a simple argument would last for weeks or may be months with surrounding hard feelings just because parents were involved.
Anyways, Allah bless all the happy couples and help those who didn't get married yet have a smooth not-the-above-style-egyptian marriage.
signature:A traumatized eye-witness to egyptian marriages.

Monday, May 01, 2006

I'd rather live in a stupid dream of my own than live a reality in which i do not fit ...
I'd rather wonder about that which i do NOT know than spend the rest of my life wondering about that which i already DO know ...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The day Journalism was disgraced! - Apparently not by Julland-Posten

you know wuts the difference between danish newspapers and egyptian ones?
Actually not much. The formers dis-respect muslims and the laters dis-respect egyptians!
Which is better? The danish of-course, at least they are danish insulting non-dans ... ours are egyptian insulting egyptians! DUH!
How come? well! i'd certainly consider it an insult to my IQ when one of our top national newspapers - if not the top - thinks that i - as one of its several million readers - am soooo stupid that i wouldn't notice their CHEAP try to come around the latest Alexandrian churches crisis.

On the very first page of today's edition (Sunday), two adjacent pieces were published:

First one: A muslim man attacks the worshippers in a Masjed in Mansoura injuring an old man after al Maghreb prayer.
(Decode: Hey ppl, Pshycos are all over Egypt and they don't differentiate between Mosques and Churches. So don't Panic, we are working on a law that gives death sentence to ppl who attack churches and hospitalization for those who attack mosques)

Second one (right on it's right side): Two young men got killed trying to save a christian man. And it read: A tragic accident happend that demonstrates the deep and strong BONDS between fellow Muslims and Christians when two young men went into a sewage pipe trying to save a christian worker from choking, but ended up choking up with him and all three died. The incedent happened in "samallot" center in the governess of "Al Menya".
(Decode: No need, they didn't even have the courtesy to bluff, they said it straight: "demonstrates the deep and strong BONDS between fellow Muslims and Christians")

Now, since when does:
1. Accidents that happen in small villages and country side make it to the "FIRST PAGE" in ANY newspaper ANYWHERE in the globe?
2. The religious identity of the main characters in an accident report is highly stressed to that extent?
3. Picture this: a guy caught in the sewage pipe is desperatly calling for help and the two guys who happen to be there, instead of just logically rushing to help him, stop and ask him "hey you down there; we just have a small inquiry before we can give you a hand there; are you a christian or a muslim?" DUH!

The fact that we suffer from a blind-folded media is one thing, and the fact that this media underestimates the intelligence of its readers to that extent is one heck of a shame!

whatever happend to me, or whatever happened to the egyptians?!

I cannot even remember when was the last time i used public transportation. Allah blessed me with being a single child (although most of the time i don't see it as a bless really) and my parents could afford giving me my own little buggy that usually succeeds in it's job, getting me wherever i want w/o complaining.
Anyways, i woke up today and had already made up my mind on leaving the car completely and sorta come down to earth and use public trans. - turned out to be a HUGGGEEE mistake as will come laterz ... interesting how ppl can take such irrational decisions when they wake up!
I had two places to go: first, my faculty - having to drive - with all wut "driving" makes to my nervous system - all the way to Abasseya at 1pm (i.e rush hour) just to meet the Prof. for 10 min. wasn't really an appealling idea anyways. Second was to meet my dutch friend at metro station in Maadi to visit sm friends.
Anyways, starting off with a very open mind and a big smile to life - to the extent that i didn't even take a hand bag so that i'd feel more free - i walked down our street to take a microbus to Abasseya ... first irritation: The driver expects me to chop off my head and throw it outta the window and break my knees so that i'd be more flexible to be rolled over and squeezed in the 15 cm area of space that's still left between the mass of human flesh "stuffed" on the coach ... all just to make an extra room for an extra 1 pound. Why is it that every time i ride one of these human tuna cans called microbuses i feel like i'm beinged considered as a part of a cattle herd, where the shephered who manages to push more inside the fences makes more money!
Anyways ... tried to ignore that and, still smiling to life, went to collge, finished, and headed to the metro station. To my bad luck - and u'll know y - the metro came before i could make it to the women's wagon location on the platform, so i just went inside the first wagon i found ... like little stupid horror movie actors who always escape to the last place they should ever turn to - usually the attic btw, and i really wonder why it's Always the attic!
Anyways, as soon as i layed foot there, i found missed calls from my friend ... i called, talked bout where to meet, etc. and at the end i said "i'll call you when i get there inshaa Allah" ... of course all that was in English. Stupid me, how could i possibly even THINK about speaking in english in a metro. hell with her not-knowing arabic of course ... if i tell her to meet in maadi and she goes to maali, no problem, as long as i keep it arabic! Why? after a whole 5 min, and after i had changed my position two times, opened a folder of papers i was carrying and started reading - btw, does anyone have a CCNA book in arabic? coz that was the second terrible, horror movie stupidity like action i did - when i heard a very loud voice coming from the creature standing next to me - don't ask me what "IT" is coz i dared not look - saying in the egyptian version of english that turns all the "th" to "z" : "I WILL CALL YOU WHEN I GET ZERE INSHAA ALLAH" and then he added in arabic "is there an english translation for inshaa Allah?" ... WUT THE HECKKKKKK???!!! translate this ya #%#$$%^$^: "GHOTOOOOB" - not spelled well (coz if it were you wouldn't be able to read it anyways :P) but a dutch word for "get lost"!
ok, he did get lost before i could even process what just happened - took me about 10 min. anyways!
Al7amdullelah, lot of ppl left and i found a place by the door to sit and try to understand what just happened ... but then I focused my attention on another subject ... when did egyptians become that ill-mannered? my parents taught me when i was young that whenever and eldery person, man or woman, is standing, younger ones should always stand up and give them their places. And by any means, whenever a lady is standing, young or old, guys should stand up and let her sit, specially when it's crowded and there's a larger chance of friction between her and surrounding men! Where the heck did all that go??? i'm not talking bout young lads or boys, even moderate aged men nowadays don't have these manners at all. And a woman can be sitting there, with her 8 years old sitting large as life beside her and a 60 years old woman walks in, and the mother just moves her head away instead of telling her son to move!!! When did this come into egyptians? ... don't even try speaking about culture and low class ppl ... it WAS the low class ppl who most applied these manners when i was a child! No wonder that lady in her mid 50's looked at me like an alien when she walked in and i stood up and offered her my place. She kept insisting that i keep it and prayed for me and stuff! Wow, how rare can that be to find smone offering you his/her place out in this jungle to cause this lady all this shock at my behavior!
Ok, let's try to concentrate on studying again. I re-opened my papers and was lost there for about 10 min of concentration then i suddenly moved my eyes up, only to find the guy standing infront of me and giving me his side BENDING his head in an unbelievable angle with his eyes almost POPING outta his face and dropping on MMMMYYYY PAAAAPPPEEERRRRSSSS!!! OH MY GOD!!! ... if it was a newspaper or a magazine, i might have understood ... i see ppl doing that in trains or buses all the time outta curiosity ... but at least they KNOW wut they're reading ... what entertainment was it for that guy to look at an A4 paper all in english and has a bunsh of illustrated drawings for ROUTERS and NETWORK CONNECTIONS!!!!
Ok, i arrived at maadi, of course first thing was to chose a decent uncrowded spot where no one can possibly "OVERHEAR" my coming English call to my friend. Shoot, she's got more 20 min. Ok, let's take a walk outside the metro station. Again a stupid horror movie decision. As soon as i stepped into the street, a young man was heading towards me, pointing at me with his finger, i could practically feel his breath on my skin as i tried to move my face away and pass him by, hearing his loud voice in my ears "BLOOD DONATION" ... hell! all my blood already ran away you idiot!
Ok, cool down ... just walk away and enjoy the scenery! SCENERY?? WHAT SCENERY! IIIIII was the scenery ... almost everyone in that sreet was looking me up from head to toe ... why? i dunno ... but i noticed that everyone was doing it to everyone aslan! and in the metro too. OH MY GOD!!!Smone PLEASE tell me this is a joke! at least tell me that i have a tail or my mouth is drawling or anyhing is wrong with my overall appearance to make them stare at me like this!Apparenty nothing was wrong with me, my friend said it was normal, you go out and you become a "public property" for everyone to check out!
Ok. Most of you will consider this as a very normal day in the streets and trans. of Cairo ... but tell me the truth, have i been sleeping in the cave for 309 years or have good old egypians that i once lived among been burried 309 years ago? Whatever happend to me? or Whatever happened to the egyptians?(with the appologies to Galal Amin for borrowing his book title)

Monday, April 03, 2006

Baker's Dozen!

This is such a funny way to get back to blogging after such a long time; I was reading some mail when i came across the word "Baker's dozen" - actually the lady was saying she and her husband have a "baker's dozen" of kids ... wow! cool Mashaa'Allah ;-) - so, i went on a net hunt for the origin of the word - guess i have nothing much to do these days, huh! - anyways, i found it on the first link which actually disappointed all my wild research plans and getting lost in the labyrinth of the web :-D
God! i'm so talkative today! ok .. here's wut i found, pretty interesting theories:

The first theory goes back to ancient times. Bakers were widely viewed with suspicion, since it was common (and easy) for them to short-weight customers. Many societies had severe penalties for bakers who engaged in such underhanded practices. For instance, one source says that in ancient Egypt, the baker's ear was nailed to the doorpost of his bakery if he were found selling light loaves. (I'm not sure whether the ear was still attached to the baker. Either way it was a pretty stiff punishment.)
Under the code of Hammurabi, a loaf of bread and a man's hand were interchangeable. They took their bread seriously back then.
In the mid-13th century, British law imposed strict regulations on bakers regarding the weight of bread. Bakers wanted to make sure they complied, since the penalties were severe (a fine or the pillory, although nothing involving ears, so far as I know). It was difficult to make loaves of uniform weight in those days before automation, so bakers added a 13th loaf to every shipment of 12--better to be overweight than under. Thus "a baker's dozen" meant 13.
The second theory is more complicated. A baker selling to a third party (a street vendor, say) would add a 13th loaf as the profit for the middleman. That is, the baker sells the middleman 13 loaves for the price of 12, and the middle man sells the 13 individual loaves for a 7.7% profit.
Whichever theory you accept, the evolution of the expression today has come to mean that the baker adds an extra cookie, bun, pastry or whatever to the order of 12 as a bonus.

Here's the link to the extracted article:

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

كما تكونوا يولى عليكم


قلت للجني :
أبدل كل أصحاب الصروح الفاسده
قال لي : ما الفائده؟
سوف يأتي مثلهم أو ربما أكثر مفسده
إنما تختلف الأسماء لكن المعاني واحده
قلت : ما الحل إذن؟
قال : بسيط
لو غدت آمالكم في ذاتكم منعقده
وإذا لم تطلبوا من مارد تخليصكم من مرده
أيها الإنسي
لا حل سوى أن تصبحوا ناسا
فلن تعتدل القمة حتى تستقيم القاعدة
للشاعر أحمد مطر

Nothing much to say!

Been a long time since i last blogged.
Well, i've been pretty occupied the past two weeks ... had to make some fatal decisions on choosing a subject for my master's thesis, one of my close friends gave birth 11:30 on a saturday night, next day spent in hospital, been going to and fro coll. to meet the prof. who's gonna supervise my thesis - who also happens to be one of my best friends' father, which is keeping me a little bit worried ... i read in a novel few weeks ago this sentence "it's easier when your prof is also your uncle, makes you bear up with lotz of stuff" ... hehehe ... offcourse the guy who said this was "in love" with his prof's daughter, but my situation is even a little more intimate coz i know the entire family! But i do find that i accept from him what i can hardly accept from any other prof. ... which might really make it easier!
Anyways, for those wondering about the final, i DID go there. But i'll not blog about that anymore. Really, i have so many conservations about this whole matches issue - despite the fact that i really did enjoy it. I think i was just there to observe and analyze - and of course cheer :P .
Take this: What the heck is wrong with those girls? Going to a match and cheering is one thing, and DANCING fel modaragat, getting out of car windows in the street dancing and shouting is one TOTALLY OUT OF HANDS THING!!! Is this what ppl call "the spirit of sports?" YUCK!
and wut about the prayer thing? Is the government really incapable of providing a decent place for prayer? Would that be the case had this issue been on the agenda of the hosting evaluation? Dare the government say yes?
I've had a long conversation with a colleague of mine about the value of such an event as going to a football match, and i really repect this openion, coz from wut i saw, these are ppl fascinated by smthg. they see for the first time and that's it. It's smthg. new and cool and rewesh and that's all! What did they gain? nothing. what did they lose? nothing. It'd have been smthg. good if they'd not OVERDONE it on the media ... all this talk about the "new spirit of egyptian ppl" and "cultural progress" and even "patriotship"!!! Heck! wut does holding a flag and painting the flag do with patriotship? My DUTCH friend held the flag and painted her face, is she anymore "EGYPTIAN" than i neither did this nor that?!!! I repeat, i'm not AGAINST going to matchs, coz personally i enjoyed it much, but i AM against exaggerating in everthing, trying to be a distorted copycat of the west, while in the same time, we cannot try to copy them in anything useful or productive!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

وشهد شاهد من أهلها

The following article is extracted from the independant

Robert Fisk: This Isn't Islam Versus Secularism

So now it's cartoons of the Prophet Mohamed with a bomb-shaped turban. Ambassadors are withdrawn from Denmark, Gulf nations clear their shelves of Danish produce, Gaza gunmen threaten the European Union. In Denmark, Fleming Rose, the "culture" editor of the pip-squeak newspaper which published these silly cartoons - last September, for heaven's sake - announces that we are witnessing a "clash of civilizations" between secular Western democracies and Islamic societies. This does prove, I suppose, that Danish journalists follow in the tradition of Hans Christian Anderson. Oh lordy, lordy. What we're witnessing is the childishness of civilizations. So let's start off with the Department of Home Truths. This is not an issue of secularism versus Islam. For Muslims, the Prophet is the man who received divine words directly from God. We see our prophets as faintly historical figures, at odds with our high-tech human rights, almost caricatures of themselves. The fact is that Muslims live their religion. We do not. They have kept their faith through innumerable historical vicissitudes. We have lost our faith ever since Matthew Arnold wrote about the sea's "long, withdrawing roar". That's why we talk about "the West versus Islam" rather than "Christians versus Islam" - because there aren't an awful lot of Christians left in Europe. There is no way we can get round this by setting up all the other world religions and asking why we are not allowed to make fun of Mohamed. Besides, we can exercise our own hypocrisy over religious feelings. I happen to remember how, more than a decade ago, a film called The Last Temptation of Christ showed Jesus making love to a woman. In Paris, someone set fire to the cinema showing the movie, killing a young man. I also happen to remember a US university which invited me to give a lecture three years ago. I did. It was entitled "September 11, 2001: ask who did it but, for God's sake, don't ask why". When I arrived, I found that the university had deleted the phrase "for God's sake" because "we didn't want to offend certain sensibilities". Ah-ha, so we have "sensibilities" too. In other words, while we claim that Muslims must be good secularists when it comes to free speech - or cheap cartoons - we can worry about adherents to our own precious religion just as much. I also enjoyed the pompous claims of European statesmen that they cannot control free speech or newspapers. This is also nonsense. Had that cartoon of the Prophet shown instead a chief rabbi with a bomb-shaped hat, we would have had "anti-Semitism" screamed into our ears - and rightly so - just as we often hear the Israelis complain about anti-Semitic cartoons in Egyptian newspapers. Furthermore, in some European nations - France is one, Germany and Austria are among the others - it is forbidden by law to deny acts of genocide. In France, for example, it is illegal to say that the Jewish Holocaust or the Armenian Holocaust did not happen. So it is, in fact, impermissable to make certain statements in European nations. I'm still uncertain whether these laws attain their objectives; however much you may prescribe Holocaust denial, anti-Semites will always try to find a way round. We can hardly exercise our political restraints to prevent Holocaust deniers and then start screaming about secularism when we find that Muslims object to our provocative and insulting image of the Prophet. For many Muslims, the "Islamic" reaction to this affair is an embarrassment. There is good reason to believe that Muslims would like to see some element of reform introduced to their religion. If this cartoon had advanced the cause of those who want to debate this issue, no-one would have minded. But it was clearly intended to be provocative. It was so outrageous that it only caused reaction. And this is not a great time to heat up the old Samuel Huntingdon garbage about a "clash of civilizations". Iran now has a clerical government again. So, to all intents and purposes, does Iraq (which was not supposed to end up with a democratically elected clerical administration, but that's what happens when you topple dictators). In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood won 20 per cent of the seats in the recent parliamentary elections. Now we have Hamas in charge of "Palestine". There's a message here, isn't there? That America's policies - "regime change" in the Middle East - are not achieving their ends. These millions of voters were preferring Islam to the corrupt regimes which we imposed on them. For the Danish cartoon to be dumped on top of this fire is dangerous indeed. In any event, it's not about whether the Prophet should be pictured. The Koran does not forbid images of the Prophet even though millions of Muslims do. The problem is that these cartoons portrayed Mohamed as a bin Laden-type image of violence. They portrayed Islam as a violent religion. It is not. Or do we want to make it so?

-The Independent
By Robert Fisk

Monday, February 06, 2006

Civilized World? ... yeah yeah yeah!

One of the things i've been exposed to, working in a multinational-multicultural company, is being comfronted with the different prespectives of others of arabs and/or islam.
The first impression you get is that most western ppl are COMPLETELY IGNORANT regarding islam - i mean the common ppl - all they know is that we r obressed ppl following some strict, uncultural traditions and rulings.
To be fair, some of them really converts to a positive prespective after staying here for a while and dealing with different Muslims ... I guess they finally figure out that w r normal ppl who breath air and do not eat babies for breakfast!Others, just keep their negative prespective, and coat it with an atmosphere of despise for the third world filthy creatures.
And to be fair also, to me, these ppl are not "evil" ppl, they r just victims of the misleading media of the west that had propagated more and more misconceptions about this religion over the years ... and they are victims of muslims who immegrate to their countries and put up the worst example for muslims ... and they are victims of our failure as arab/islamic countries (if this definition hasn't become extinct yet) to propagate the correct picture of our reigion ... and they are victims of OUR failure to be even WORTH defending islam.
However, if you look at the recent events that have floated on surface ever since 9/11, you can see that the cover of CULTURE and MODERNITY have been unleashed, and the true face of racism of western communities has been revealed ... post 9/11 dramatic events in american states, the events of hijab ban in France, events leading to the murder of the director of an anti-islamic film in Netherlands, up till the recent danish anti-islamic cartoons.
The west has declared a war on terrorism, and to be more precise let's lose the deplomatic ettiquete and give the word "terrorism" it's true modern definition "terrorism = islamic terrorism" ... and they've legalised all means to do so, from the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq to cultural harrasments through national media ... but, a sane person doesn't expect to harvest LOVE when all he cultivates are seeds of hatered and racism ... what do you expect that NATIVE FRENCH girl would do when she goes to school to find the directors of that school standing on the gates taking off the veils of musim girls ? What do you expect that NATIVE DANISH man to do when he opens the papers one morning to find cartoons disgracing all he believes in? What do you expect a NATIVE DUTCH woman would do when she watches a movie disgracing all she beleives in? What do you expect a NATIVE AMERICAN woman would do when she gets attacked in newyork streets only because she is wearing a veil? Notice that i'm saying NATIVE because i do NOT mean muslim immegrants, i mean born citizens who just happened to convert to islam.Will these people really believe all the phony slogans that the west brags about; freedom of faith, democracy, human rights, equatiy .... bla bla bla? Do they have to "turn their cheeks" to those who offense them? or will they plant all this hatred back into the mind of their children towards all this illusion called "civilized world"? In a few years, the west will have created the very same monster they are NOW claiming to fight .... terrorism! Because you can NOT caltivate HATE and harvest PEACE ... You Caltivate FANATISM, DESCRIMINATION and RACISM and you harvest TERRORISM!
This is not the e=mc2 equation ... it's a simple 1+1=2!

And do you really think that this media that have diluted the true face of islam really DO NOT KNOW what they're talking about? ... do you think that when someone writes an article saying that islamic teachings provoke violance and terrorism and that Muhammad (pbuh) was a criminal of war and and and .. do you really believe that they are that stupid? They only have to grab any history book off the shelves ... any history book written by a neutral non-muslim historian or orientalist to know what Muhammed and his followers did to this very civilized culture they live in ... (here's to help: ... and on the other hand read about the black history and the bloody crimes commited by children of the western civilization, i suggest you start off with the "divine" crusades, move to the Nazi empire and the unproved claim of the holocaust which all the west now accepts as a historical fact, civil war of america due to black and white descrimination, veitnam, serbia, india and recently, the torture camps in Iraq and gwantanamu.
One great fact you can also realize if you read history is that HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF! This is the very same scenario that happened at the time of the crusades ... Heating the feelings of christians agaist the barbarian arabs who slaughter christian pilgrims in jerusalem ... and without a second of thought - of course back then, they didn't have all the facilities of the modern life from books, internet ... etc. to examine the truth ... and thus, ships were loaded with raging christians off into the battles of the holy war ... only to find out that this was no holy war, it was just held to satisfy the greed and ambitions of their rulers - by the way, these are not my words, read european books about the crusades .. or if ur in a hurry, just go to the nearest movie store and pick "kingdom of heaven" off the shelf!
But no sir, they don't wanna read ANYTHING ... just one fanatic most cleverly discovers a word in the quran called "juhad" and he - the great, genious,ARABIC LANGUAGE scholar - cleverly builds up a whole theory about violence and barbarism of islam ... and over the night, every writer, journalist, and media man all over the world starts making up their own theories about the agressive psychological profile of a muslim's nature that is developed through islamic teachings ... and NO ONE ever cares to check this reference - "quran" - only once .. and NO ONE ever cares to ask what these islamic teachings they claim are! And the next morning, every Muslim of the 1.3 billions all over the world has to wake up and go out into the street trying to defend himself, justify his faith and ward off the false accusations vented upon his holy book and his prophet! ... And more ironically is that WE - MUSLIMS - are the first ppl to believe this nonsense, and our spokesmen, Imams and scholars start to preach US about the tolerance of islam ... Why the heck do i have to listen to the Friday Sermon telling me how peacefull and tolerant MY OWN religion is for Allah's sake? was i born yesterday? or do i wake up every morning, brush my teeth, perform my morning prayer, grab my RPG and go out killing few innocent non-muslims on my way to my Islamic 'Jihad' training camp?
I know a european lady who was visiting Cairo, and she asked me suspiciously "do you think it's safe to take a taxi alone here?" ... for Allah's sake! what are these ppl being told out there? that we eat non-muslims alive?
This so called cultured, well educated world is simply IGNORANT.

Read this - taken from a British weblog:

Last month, EU foreign ministers decided to engage in contacts with Hamas political candidates in next month’s Palestinian parliamentary elections, which will be monitored by an EU mission. Hamas is a terrorist organization, which runs the following campaign ad:The following are the words on the new Hamas video:"We succeeded, with Allah's grace, to raise an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life. We will not abandon the way of Jihad and Shahada [Martyrdom] as long as one inch of our holy land is in the hands of the Jews. "Congratulations to our people of 1948 [Israeli Arabs] on the liberation of Gaza. You wish to destroy them [the Israelis] from the interior. We will never forget you, and never leave you. A day will come when our flag will fly above all the quarters of our land. Our flag will fly on the minarets of Jerusalem, and the walls of Acre, and the quarters of Haifa." [Hamas website, December 12, 2005]Israel has had enough of EU appeasement of terrorist organizations. So, it has taken the offensive and charged the EU with failing to comply with UNSC resolution 1373 , which prohibits member states from providing active or passive support for terrorist organizations.For a change, the shoe is on the other foot.

Did this man REALLY read the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict over this piece of land that is located WITHIN the ARAB world? Or did he just listen to all the false stories about the jewish rights? Did he know that jews NEVER, not ONCE in history, had a "promised" land? Is there a land for Christians? Is their a land for Muslims ... NO ... you know why? ... Simply because Islam, Christianity and Judaism are CREEDS not Landmarks! Most citizens of Syria are Muslims, Most citizens of USA are christians ... As a Muslim, i cannot claim a right on Syrian land ... just as an egyptian christian cannot claim a right on american land!
But, Jews do not identify any rights for any other NATION except the Jewish nation, and hence, they cannot accept to live as citizens in a muslim or christian community, they have to RULE an unsharable land ... so, as jews, let's pick a land on the map, any piece of land and make it OURS ... so, wuts better than the "land" on which Moses lived - not even all his life, because he was born in EGYPT, raised there, and only migrated to this "land" after he was chased out of Egypt by the pharoah - and the "land" where Jacob lived - although he migrated with all his children to Egypt and lived there for the rest of his life!!! - and it's really a trivial matter to mention that Jesus christ was also born on that "land", lived their almost all of his life - except the part when he travelled to Egypt, and according to the christians, was crucified on this very same "land" ... but foolish christians cannot claim that this "land" is THEIRS for such a trivial reason!! Hush, keep it a secret!But, ONE PROBLEM, how can we jews claim the "land" to be ours? arabs will never give up their land ... so, let's put some economical and political pressures on the British ppl, afterall, they are already invading the arab lands, and they practically rule over this "land" now ... so, uncle Belfore just grabs his knife and cuts this small tiny winy "land" on the lower east coast of the mediteranean, that piece of land is called "Palestine" by the way, and hands it to zionist jews in a wrap of palestanian bodies and destroyed houses! Peice of Cake!Now, which of the stories are true? i'm a muslim so, to any western non-muslim, i'm probably lying, BUT ... why don't we grab a history book and find out? Or is it enough to tell who is lying and who is not by just listening to the jewish controlled western media?
Few days ago, there was a sheikh in an egyptian program talking about the Denmark issue. He said that these cartoons are like an experimental balloon, just to measure the strengh of Mulims. Conspiracy theory again? may be ... but to be honest, i wouldn't exclude this theory out of my calculations, especially that another French journal re-published the cartoons again. These people can't be THAT stupid! When you see a raging bull attacking your neighbour, wearing a red garnament is not exactly a very 'sane' action.