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قلت للجني :
Say: O Allah, Lord of Power,you give power to whom you please, and you strip off power from whom you please: you endew with honour whom you please, and you bring low whom you please: In Thy hand is all good. Verily, over all things you have power.you cause the night to gain on the day, and you cause the day to gain on the night; you bring the Living out of the dead, and you bring the dead out of the Living; and you give sustenance to whom you please, without measure - [Al Emran 3.27]
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3:28 PM
Been a long time since i last blogged.
Well, i've been pretty occupied the past two weeks ... had to make some fatal decisions on choosing a subject for my master's thesis, one of my close friends gave birth 11:30 on a saturday night, next day spent in hospital, been going to and fro coll. to meet the prof. who's gonna supervise my thesis - who also happens to be one of my best friends' father, which is keeping me a little bit worried ... i read in a novel few weeks ago this sentence "it's easier when your prof is also your uncle, makes you bear up with lotz of stuff" ... hehehe ... offcourse the guy who said this was "in love" with his prof's daughter, but my situation is even a little more intimate coz i know the entire family! But i do find that i accept from him what i can hardly accept from any other prof. ... which might really make it easier!
Anyways, for those wondering about the final, i DID go there. But i'll not blog about that anymore. Really, i have so many conservations about this whole matches issue - despite the fact that i really did enjoy it. I think i was just there to observe and analyze - and of course cheer :P .
Take this: What the heck is wrong with those girls? Going to a match and cheering is one thing, and DANCING fel modaragat, getting out of car windows in the street dancing and shouting is one TOTALLY OUT OF HANDS THING!!! Is this what ppl call "the spirit of sports?" YUCK!
and wut about the prayer thing? Is the government really incapable of providing a decent place for prayer? Would that be the case had this issue been on the agenda of the hosting evaluation? Dare the government say yes?
I've had a long conversation with a colleague of mine about the value of such an event as going to a football match, and i really repect this openion, coz from wut i saw, these are ppl fascinated by smthg. they see for the first time and that's it. It's smthg. new and cool and rewesh and that's all! What did they gain? nothing. what did they lose? nothing. It'd have been smthg. good if they'd not OVERDONE it on the media ... all this talk about the "new spirit of egyptian ppl" and "cultural progress" and even "patriotship"!!! Heck! wut does holding a flag and painting the flag do with patriotship? My DUTCH friend held the flag and painted her face, is she anymore "EGYPTIAN" than i neither did this nor that?!!! I repeat, i'm not AGAINST going to matchs, coz personally i enjoyed it much, but i AM against exaggerating in everthing, trying to be a distorted copycat of the west, while in the same time, we cannot try to copy them in anything useful or productive!
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2:57 PM
The following article is extracted from the independant
Robert Fisk: This Isn't Islam Versus Secularism
So now it's cartoons of the Prophet Mohamed with a bomb-shaped turban. Ambassadors are withdrawn from Denmark, Gulf nations clear their shelves of Danish produce, Gaza gunmen threaten the European Union. In Denmark, Fleming Rose, the "culture" editor of the pip-squeak newspaper which published these silly cartoons - last September, for heaven's sake - announces that we are witnessing a "clash of civilizations" between secular Western democracies and Islamic societies. This does prove, I suppose, that Danish journalists follow in the tradition of Hans Christian Anderson. Oh lordy, lordy. What we're witnessing is the childishness of civilizations. So let's start off with the Department of Home Truths. This is not an issue of secularism versus Islam. For Muslims, the Prophet is the man who received divine words directly from God. We see our prophets as faintly historical figures, at odds with our high-tech human rights, almost caricatures of themselves. The fact is that Muslims live their religion. We do not. They have kept their faith through innumerable historical vicissitudes. We have lost our faith ever since Matthew Arnold wrote about the sea's "long, withdrawing roar". That's why we talk about "the West versus Islam" rather than "Christians versus Islam" - because there aren't an awful lot of Christians left in Europe. There is no way we can get round this by setting up all the other world religions and asking why we are not allowed to make fun of Mohamed. Besides, we can exercise our own hypocrisy over religious feelings. I happen to remember how, more than a decade ago, a film called The Last Temptation of Christ showed Jesus making love to a woman. In Paris, someone set fire to the cinema showing the movie, killing a young man. I also happen to remember a US university which invited me to give a lecture three years ago. I did. It was entitled "September 11, 2001: ask who did it but, for God's sake, don't ask why". When I arrived, I found that the university had deleted the phrase "for God's sake" because "we didn't want to offend certain sensibilities". Ah-ha, so we have "sensibilities" too. In other words, while we claim that Muslims must be good secularists when it comes to free speech - or cheap cartoons - we can worry about adherents to our own precious religion just as much. I also enjoyed the pompous claims of European statesmen that they cannot control free speech or newspapers. This is also nonsense. Had that cartoon of the Prophet shown instead a chief rabbi with a bomb-shaped hat, we would have had "anti-Semitism" screamed into our ears - and rightly so - just as we often hear the Israelis complain about anti-Semitic cartoons in Egyptian newspapers. Furthermore, in some European nations - France is one, Germany and Austria are among the others - it is forbidden by law to deny acts of genocide. In France, for example, it is illegal to say that the Jewish Holocaust or the Armenian Holocaust did not happen. So it is, in fact, impermissable to make certain statements in European nations. I'm still uncertain whether these laws attain their objectives; however much you may prescribe Holocaust denial, anti-Semites will always try to find a way round. We can hardly exercise our political restraints to prevent Holocaust deniers and then start screaming about secularism when we find that Muslims object to our provocative and insulting image of the Prophet. For many Muslims, the "Islamic" reaction to this affair is an embarrassment. There is good reason to believe that Muslims would like to see some element of reform introduced to their religion. If this cartoon had advanced the cause of those who want to debate this issue, no-one would have minded. But it was clearly intended to be provocative. It was so outrageous that it only caused reaction. And this is not a great time to heat up the old Samuel Huntingdon garbage about a "clash of civilizations". Iran now has a clerical government again. So, to all intents and purposes, does Iraq (which was not supposed to end up with a democratically elected clerical administration, but that's what happens when you topple dictators). In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood won 20 per cent of the seats in the recent parliamentary elections. Now we have Hamas in charge of "Palestine". There's a message here, isn't there? That America's policies - "regime change" in the Middle East - are not achieving their ends. These millions of voters were preferring Islam to the corrupt regimes which we imposed on them. For the Danish cartoon to be dumped on top of this fire is dangerous indeed. In any event, it's not about whether the Prophet should be pictured. The Koran does not forbid images of the Prophet even though millions of Muslims do. The problem is that these cartoons portrayed Mohamed as a bin Laden-type image of violence. They portrayed Islam as a violent religion. It is not. Or do we want to make it so?
-The Independent
By Robert Fisk
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2:25 PM
One of the things i've been exposed to, working in a multinational-multicultural company, is being comfronted with the different prespectives of others of arabs and/or islam.
The first impression you get is that most western ppl are COMPLETELY IGNORANT regarding islam - i mean the common ppl - all they know is that we r obressed ppl following some strict, uncultural traditions and rulings.
To be fair, some of them really converts to a positive prespective after staying here for a while and dealing with different Muslims ... I guess they finally figure out that w r normal ppl who breath air and do not eat babies for breakfast!Others, just keep their negative prespective, and coat it with an atmosphere of despise for the third world filthy creatures.
And to be fair also, to me, these ppl are not "evil" ppl, they r just victims of the misleading media of the west that had propagated more and more misconceptions about this religion over the years ... and they are victims of muslims who immegrate to their countries and put up the worst example for muslims ... and they are victims of our failure as arab/islamic countries (if this definition hasn't become extinct yet) to propagate the correct picture of our reigion ... and they are victims of OUR failure to be even WORTH defending islam.
However, if you look at the recent events that have floated on surface ever since 9/11, you can see that the cover of CULTURE and MODERNITY have been unleashed, and the true face of racism of western communities has been revealed ... post 9/11 dramatic events in american states, the events of hijab ban in France, events leading to the murder of the director of an anti-islamic film in Netherlands, up till the recent danish anti-islamic cartoons.
The west has declared a war on terrorism, and to be more precise let's lose the deplomatic ettiquete and give the word "terrorism" it's true modern definition "terrorism = islamic terrorism" ... and they've legalised all means to do so, from the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq to cultural harrasments through national media ... but, a sane person doesn't expect to harvest LOVE when all he cultivates are seeds of hatered and racism ... what do you expect that NATIVE FRENCH girl would do when she goes to school to find the directors of that school standing on the gates taking off the veils of musim girls ? What do you expect that NATIVE DANISH man to do when he opens the papers one morning to find cartoons disgracing all he believes in? What do you expect a NATIVE DUTCH woman would do when she watches a movie disgracing all she beleives in? What do you expect a NATIVE AMERICAN woman would do when she gets attacked in newyork streets only because she is wearing a veil? Notice that i'm saying NATIVE because i do NOT mean muslim immegrants, i mean born citizens who just happened to convert to islam.Will these people really believe all the phony slogans that the west brags about; freedom of faith, democracy, human rights, equatiy .... bla bla bla? Do they have to "turn their cheeks" to those who offense them? or will they plant all this hatred back into the mind of their children towards all this illusion called "civilized world"? In a few years, the west will have created the very same monster they are NOW claiming to fight .... terrorism! Because you can NOT caltivate HATE and harvest PEACE ... You Caltivate FANATISM, DESCRIMINATION and RACISM and you harvest TERRORISM!
This is not the e=mc2 equation ... it's a simple 1+1=2!
And do you really think that this media that have diluted the true face of islam really DO NOT KNOW what they're talking about? ... do you think that when someone writes an article saying that islamic teachings provoke violance and terrorism and that Muhammad (pbuh) was a criminal of war and and and .. do you really believe that they are that stupid? They only have to grab any history book off the shelves ... any history book written by a neutral non-muslim historian or orientalist to know what Muhammed and his followers did to this very civilized culture they live in ... (here's to help: http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/quote1.html) ... and on the other hand read about the black history and the bloody crimes commited by children of the western civilization, i suggest you start off with the "divine" crusades, move to the Nazi empire and the unproved claim of the holocaust which all the west now accepts as a historical fact, civil war of america due to black and white descrimination, veitnam, serbia, india and recently, the torture camps in Iraq and gwantanamu.
One great fact you can also realize if you read history is that HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF! This is the very same scenario that happened at the time of the crusades ... Heating the feelings of christians agaist the barbarian arabs who slaughter christian pilgrims in jerusalem ... and without a second of thought - of course back then, they didn't have all the facilities of the modern life from books, internet ... etc. to examine the truth ... and thus, ships were loaded with raging christians off into the battles of the holy war ... only to find out that this was no holy war, it was just held to satisfy the greed and ambitions of their rulers - by the way, these are not my words, read european books about the crusades .. or if ur in a hurry, just go to the nearest movie store and pick "kingdom of heaven" off the shelf!
But no sir, they don't wanna read ANYTHING ... just one fanatic most cleverly discovers a word in the quran called "juhad" and he - the great, genious,ARABIC LANGUAGE scholar - cleverly builds up a whole theory about violence and barbarism of islam ... and over the night, every writer, journalist, and media man all over the world starts making up their own theories about the agressive psychological profile of a muslim's nature that is developed through islamic teachings ... and NO ONE ever cares to check this reference - "quran" - only once .. and NO ONE ever cares to ask what these islamic teachings they claim are! And the next morning, every Muslim of the 1.3 billions all over the world has to wake up and go out into the street trying to defend himself, justify his faith and ward off the false accusations vented upon his holy book and his prophet! ... And more ironically is that WE - MUSLIMS - are the first ppl to believe this nonsense, and our spokesmen, Imams and scholars start to preach US about the tolerance of islam ... Why the heck do i have to listen to the Friday Sermon telling me how peacefull and tolerant MY OWN religion is for Allah's sake? was i born yesterday? or do i wake up every morning, brush my teeth, perform my morning prayer, grab my RPG and go out killing few innocent non-muslims on my way to my Islamic 'Jihad' training camp?
I know a european lady who was visiting Cairo, and she asked me suspiciously "do you think it's safe to take a taxi alone here?" ... for Allah's sake! what are these ppl being told out there? that we eat non-muslims alive?
This so called cultured, well educated world is simply IGNORANT.
Read this - taken from a British weblog:
Last month, EU foreign ministers decided to engage in contacts with Hamas political candidates in next month’s Palestinian parliamentary elections, which will be monitored by an EU mission. Hamas is a terrorist organization, which runs the following campaign ad:The following are the words on the new Hamas video:"We succeeded, with Allah's grace, to raise an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life. We will not abandon the way of Jihad and Shahada [Martyrdom] as long as one inch of our holy land is in the hands of the Jews. "Congratulations to our people of 1948 [Israeli Arabs] on the liberation of Gaza. You wish to destroy them [the Israelis] from the interior. We will never forget you, and never leave you. A day will come when our flag will fly above all the quarters of our land. Our flag will fly on the minarets of Jerusalem, and the walls of Acre, and the quarters of Haifa." [Hamas website, December 12, 2005]Israel has had enough of EU appeasement of terrorist organizations. So, it has taken the offensive and charged the EU with failing to comply with UNSC resolution 1373 , which prohibits member states from providing active or passive support for terrorist organizations.For a change, the shoe is on the other foot.
Did this man REALLY read the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict over this piece of land that is located WITHIN the ARAB world? Or did he just listen to all the false stories about the jewish rights? Did he know that jews NEVER, not ONCE in history, had a "promised" land? Is there a land for Christians? Is their a land for Muslims ... NO ... you know why? ... Simply because Islam, Christianity and Judaism are CREEDS not Landmarks! Most citizens of Syria are Muslims, Most citizens of USA are christians ... As a Muslim, i cannot claim a right on Syrian land ... just as an egyptian christian cannot claim a right on american land!
But, Jews do not identify any rights for any other NATION except the Jewish nation, and hence, they cannot accept to live as citizens in a muslim or christian community, they have to RULE an unsharable land ... so, as jews, let's pick a land on the map, any piece of land and make it OURS ... so, wuts better than the "land" on which Moses lived - not even all his life, because he was born in EGYPT, raised there, and only migrated to this "land" after he was chased out of Egypt by the pharoah - and the "land" where Jacob lived - although he migrated with all his children to Egypt and lived there for the rest of his life!!! - and it's really a trivial matter to mention that Jesus christ was also born on that "land", lived their almost all of his life - except the part when he travelled to Egypt, and according to the christians, was crucified on this very same "land" ... but foolish christians cannot claim that this "land" is THEIRS for such a trivial reason!! Hush, keep it a secret!But, ONE PROBLEM, how can we jews claim the "land" to be ours? arabs will never give up their land ... so, let's put some economical and political pressures on the British ppl, afterall, they are already invading the arab lands, and they practically rule over this "land" now ... so, uncle Belfore just grabs his knife and cuts this small tiny winy "land" on the lower east coast of the mediteranean, that piece of land is called "Palestine" by the way, and hands it to zionist jews in a wrap of palestanian bodies and destroyed houses! Peice of Cake!Now, which of the stories are true? i'm a muslim so, to any western non-muslim, i'm probably lying, BUT ... why don't we grab a history book and find out? Or is it enough to tell who is lying and who is not by just listening to the jewish controlled western media?
Few days ago, there was a sheikh in an egyptian program talking about the Denmark issue. He said that these cartoons are like an experimental balloon, just to measure the strengh of Mulims. Conspiracy theory again? may be ... but to be honest, i wouldn't exclude this theory out of my calculations, especially that another French journal re-published the cartoons again. These people can't be THAT stupid! When you see a raging bull attacking your neighbour, wearing a red garnament is not exactly a very 'sane' action.
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11:42 PM
This time, let's start a few days before the match, with our failing attempts to get tickets. We planned to go after el dohr prayer to Ahly club on Monday to buy tickets for this Friday match (Egypt- Congo), but at 11pm, a guy at work said that we have to go there at once coz he just came back and there are only 1st class and 3d class tickets and the laters are already diminishing and so we did. A closed gate and a bunch of ppl standing with frawning faces said it all. There were no longer any 3rd class tickets. We moved to a post office, they said the tickets were all officially withdrawn from all postal offices as soon as they were distributed and if we wanted to get tickets, we had to go to "ete7ad el kora" in Zamalek!!!
Thus, disappointed and frustrated we went back to E, almost giving up to the fact that we are not going to this match khalas. Anyways, the second day was hopefull, that guy from work said he could manage to get us up to 20 tickets, we only needed 16 so that was perfect. By the following day, i had all 16 tickets in hand. Though laters, we were moving them around, trying to exchange the colors - some were green and some were grey, announcing the extra tickets we got for ppl who later said they won't be able to come. In short, i really felt the past week was like sitting in a box office!Btw, we got all tickets from black market, 30 L.E instead of 20L.E ...and just to show how desperate ppl were becoming by Thursaday - one day before the match - the same guy who got me the tickets couldn't find anymore tickets for himslef, so he was offering me 80 L.E - EIGHTY - to get them back!!!
Well! let's move to Friday, unfortunate to say, it was a very bad day for me. First i did smthg. wrong at work and my manager was really upset - i put him a very bad situation because of an email i sent - so, laterz i had to take a permission to leave at 3 pm. I was all in sweat telling him: ok, i now i did a "moseeba" just this morning, but i still have the tickets!! he said: ok, i'm angry, but this is another story, so u may go! Don't you just love professional ppl?!
OK, wut were the arrangements? First, we were supposed all to meet infront of the gate at 3:30 coz they were closing the gates at 4 sharp. From work: Me, 'I', 'M' and my friend 'O' who met us infront of E and some other aqcuaintances of 'I' - E is my work btw. 'M' arranged that her friends - four of them - would meet 'I's husband infront of the gates so that they'd reserve seats for all of us. However, they met, got separated at the gates because women had special entrance, and they couldn't re-meet again coz his Mobile was out of charge! By the time we arrived, I's mobile was out of charge also, so ... great .. now they cannot find each other! It got even worse coz the network was down and i couldn't reach my father nor M's friend, so there was no possible way we could find out where everybody was. It was really an unpleasant atmosphere, and made worse by the enormous number of ppl walking through the gates and the fearsome security guards spread everywhere.Anyways, we managed to get inside - the gates at least - and now was time to figure out where the others where. Al Hamdullelah i could reach M's friend after several trials and she told me their whereabouts. SO, heading there, still trying to reach my father and I's husband. The strange coincidence is that just as we found the girls and our reserved two rows, my father called me and he was standing just 3 rows below on the adjacent partition. What are the chances of that?!! Those of you who'd been to the stadium should understand what i mean. Anyways, he had suited himself in a nice place and didn't wanna change it, so he said he's stay where he is. 'I' was becoming really anxious for not finding her husband. After more and more trials on the phone, we got him. He showed upstairs and she went to him. He looked very furious. I think she told me laterz that he waited for M's friend for a long time and the security guys where tough and keda keda. Anyways, he went to sit with his friend elsewhere then joined us laters.
Hmm, as soon as everyone was settled, 'I' wanted to get her face painted. Well, honestly i didn't like the idea, but i had borrowed paints from smone at work who left earlier for the match and had painted her face in E. So, I agreed to do it - 3ala madad. I didn't have any brush too coz i forgot it in E, so i had to use my finger tip. As i finished, a girl from the row above asked if i could give her one too, so i started with a red sroke on her cheek with my finger, then the girl beside her - of M's friends - wanted to be painted too ... eventually, i had passed the red stroke on four faces, then repeating the round with another finger tip for the white color and again another round for the black color. By the end of all this, i had the flag painted on my own finger tips :P Anyways, all was fixed in the break as i miraclously convinced 'I' to come wash her face.
Now to the most annoying part: Trying to pray 3asr. First, we had to argue our way out with the national stunts with the helmets and sheilds who were blocking the way in and out of the stadium - i mean the main stadium - then, the ones blocking the way between this area and the gates, which includes the area of the W.Cs and the dirty place we were hoping to get to for the prayer. Even the mosque - which doesn't have a women's area anyways - was locked. And of course the highest islamic authority in the islamic world - which refers to the ranked security officer - wouldn't allow us through, generously giving us the fatwa that we should pray 3asr as qada'a at home! YAAAA SALLLAAAAMMM! 7asbya Allah wane3ma al wakeel! Of course i was getting ready to start yelling and fighting when a man told me to cool down, and showed the security guy some card, and told him to let us through, the security guy said he would let only him and not all of us, so the man told him just take their IDs and let them through. YA SALLLLLAAAAAAMMM! Now he's considering the man's brilliant idea, slamming all his orders against the wall! Ah ya balad %$#%$#! Anyways, that was in our favour hamdullelah. Indeed - w man yattaki ellah yaj3al laho makhrajan! 7asbya Allah wa ne3ma al wakeel!
Anyways, walking with a bunsh of bout 5 girls, Me and I headed to that filthy place behind the toilets. A small planted area with a few national gurads sitting there ... they kindly gave us a piece of rug to pray on, at least we get to do sujoud on a dirty smelly rug instead of the dirty muddy ground ... how nice! Al hamdullelah 10 min. later and before we start praying - only two prayed while the other were making a wall to hide them ... speaking of football and "e3mel 7eeetaaa" - the guards told us we can pray on a pieace of 7asir in sm concrete area, more hidden behind the plants. That was more sitable, but unfortunately not the least more clean! 7asbya Allah wa ne3ma al wakeel! With the thought of the mouse that was peeping its head looking at 'M' while she prayed in the guard's room last match, as she told me, i did the 3asr prayer in the worst conditions i've ever been in. May Allah accept it after all. I hardly remember how many rak3a we did, though we were praying gama3a! 7asbya Allah wa ne3ma al wakeel! - yes, i'll keep saying it over and over!
Anyways, we figured that this way, we probably won't be able to get out for maghreb prayer too. Worried at the thought, i couldn't but get back to the stadium coz there was still half an hour to maghreb anyways.At maghreb, i was willing to give it a try again. the guilt of having to miss my prayer because of football match was a heavy burden i wasn't willing to carry. I'd think that the inhumane conditions and the governments neglicance of providing a proper facility for prayer in a stadium THAT big and built with such costs should be an excuse for me. But then i think, well, a football match isn't worth wasting a single rak3a anyways, and to me, i believe that i bear guilt if i'm putting that at risk when i know for sure that i won't be able to pray. I know some friends of mine had to pray in their places in the stadium, among the cheers and the men. Allah yesame7 elli fee bali. 7asbya Allah wa ne3ma al wakeel!Anyways, this time with 'I' and 'M', headed to the same place. Can't describe how the place looks at night. The darkness added loads of insictophobia to the atmosphere. As soon as we arrived at the designated place, 'I' startled and jumbed back coz she thought there was a snake - turned out to be a pieace of rope. I lead the prayer with the shortest surahs in quraan, trying to squash the minimum three times of "subhanna rabya al a3la" of sujoud in the shortest time i could, moving my face away from the smelly dark 7asir as soon as possible! 7asbya Allah wane3ma al wakeel feehom! By the end of the three rak3a, i was about to get a nervous break down with the accumulating panic of the insectophobia that controlled the three of us, to the extent that we turned our boots upside down and shock them well before wearing them. Me and 'I' had long boots enough to fit for an anakonda not only bugs!
"Wait!" ... that was 'M', she felt smthg. in her shoes after wearing them. i ain't trying to make a suspense story. It DID happen! but i think she was having a phobic illusion anyways.
After reading two articles and all the above, aren't you starting to wonder Why do i always forget to talk about the match itself? hehehe. Well, simply because indeed i hardly concentrate with the match itself. I guess this is the problem with going to the stadium, you miss all the match details, but you gain all the fun and experience of being THERE, just THERE! To me, sounds like a fair trade :)
This match, i really missed three of the four scores. Only saw the one of Hossam Hassan. And of course the last one was missed by most ppl because it was totally unexpected. Lot of ppl had already left even before that.When Congo lost a penalty for Egypt, i wasn't concentrating, suddenly i found everyone standing and cheering. I asked my friend 'O' beside me "what's a penalty? coz i have no knowledge in football!" ... she said "in short, penalty means that it's between him - the player - and the goal now ... i.e, if he doesn't score then he must be a donkey!" ... Wow, nice technical definition! How come my dad - he's a basketball coach btw - always fails to explain this stuff to me! :P
Now to the cheers section. The only new one is: "heela heela w hela hela hooo, montakhabna mafeesh zaiooo" ... i guess this completes the cheering dictionary i'm writing! Sorry guys, cheering section is too short this time, because we were sitting in a real dull partition! we were the only ones cheering with the 2 rows above. The rest of the crowd just remained silent. I should have let 'I' get up and say "yalla ya 'ppl' fee eh?" like she said in Morocco match! PPL?!! "yalla" w "ya PPL"! Subhannallah!
However, the rythmetic claps were really smthg this time. My arms still hurt from clapping that special rythem with the leading tamburine. Don't ask wut it is. Unfortnatly my blog doesn't support audio files :P
And of course not forgetting the WaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaVe. Although they didn't repeat waves as frequent as the last times but this time there was one long wave in FIVE Complete rounds. I called my father dring it ... "ARE YOU IN THE WAAAAVVVEEEEE???" ... "YES" ..."Stand up, i can't se ... HEEEEEEEEEEHHH ... ee you - got washed by the wave in the middle of my words!" ... hehehe .. that was FUN!
Hey! Good News ... no "CURSES" section AT ALL this time alhamdullelah. Strange, but true. I'm starting to get addicted to THIRD CLASS! :)
After the match, we had to repeat the same trip back home on foot. Me, my father and 'O'. At city center, i stood with my father watching the ppl celebrating there like last time. They'd stop any passing car, stand on the top of it dancing and singing. I wonder how many car tops they ruin during these retuals. Celebrations have limits u know. Apparently not to some happy ppl!
To sum it all up. It was a very very very exhausting day to me and i really have a trauma now over losing ppl there and the prayer conditions. I don't think i'll go to the Sengal match next tuesday. I think it'll also be hard to take a leave permission twice in one week. May be if we make it to the finals on Friday inshaa Allah. Me and 'I' already said we'd watch it in E. would be nice for a change :)
Your exhausted, traumatized reporter from Cairo Internationl - inhumane - stadium. don't stay tune. Over and Out!
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9:01 PM