Thursday, March 08, 2007


حلمت بالأمسُ أنى حبلى
ولم يمسسنى بشر
ولكنى أعرف أنه طفلك
ذلك الحزن الذى زرعته فى أحشائى
إنه الألم
من يمحى هذه الخطيئة؟
أترانى سأغفر لك يوماً
أو هل يسمح لك القدر؟

وفاجأتنى آلام المخاض
ثم سكن كل شىء فى لحظة
وزال الشعور بالندم
ثمرة خطيئتك ولدت
مغمضة العينين
ساكنة كالحجر

زال الشعور بالندم
فطفلك لم يكن
وأنت لم تكن
كنتما وأصبحتما عدم
مجرد عدم


sousou said...

a good one babyblue,so much pain!!
it made me think about it..
I wonder why aborted love is like a shouldn' is love ...regardless what may happen ...but when you first feel it you know it ;and the day you recognize you are really in love is a new day out of you are born just that's good to last forever ,it's good to pass peacefully without any broken heart...but if it happens's an experience..with all it's bad and good sides...and what always remain is the first light ..the magic ...the unexplained chimistry's was ...didn't last ...but it happened!

Unknown said...

Amazing! I loved this post.
It's a feeling that many has suffered, and an advice many should consider. I agree with sousou.. the clock is moving always to the right, and never to the left and never you can change what has passed. Move on, learn and feel the Life.

Chavazelle said...

Quite a beautiful, inspiring and original entry.

Mai Daader said...

a very good one sheeky,thanks for the touch.
I wish to see in your best moods, with a higher spirit.
Love you XX
