سائحة فى دنيا الله
"تم بحمد الله افتتاح مكتب سياحة "سائحة فى دنيا الله
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سمعونا زغرووووطة
Say: O Allah, Lord of Power,you give power to whom you please, and you strip off power from whom you please: you endew with honour whom you please, and you bring low whom you please: In Thy hand is all good. Verily, over all things you have power.you cause the night to gain on the day, and you cause the day to gain on the night; you bring the Living out of the dead, and you bring the dead out of the Living; and you give sustenance to whom you please, without measure - [Al Emran 3.27]
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7:28 AM
الف مبروك الافتتاح
ويارب ديما افراح
begad a7la 7aga ,gamed geddan ,maytketebsh fih comments ,,,,da me33aaaddddiiiii!!
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