Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Isn't it always interesting to read TAGs? ... satisfying that most basic of human desires: CURIOSITY!!! y else would smone spend at least 5 min just listening to smone jabbering bout him/herself?
Man, one must really be BORED to death to stoop that low :PP
Anyways, i've always been TAG reader, now i've been Tagged by Charafantah, so it's time to be a TAG writer ... Cool!

The Rules

  1. Post 10 random things about yourself
  2. Choose 5 people to tag and a reason you chose each person
  3. Leave them each a comment directing them to your blog so they know they are it
  4. You can’t tag the person who tagged you (you’ll have to make new friends)
  5. As a courtesy to the person who tagged you, please let them know when you have posted so they can have the sheer delight and extra work load of reading your answers)


  1. I have a lot of DARK secrets that burdens me and want to reveal them to anyone, but I can’t. (Sorry ya Charafantah, that was too easy not to copy :P)
  2. I ADORE gebna Istanbully and it's a MUST with any cup of tea!
  3. I have zilch self confidence and it keeps me away from achieving lots of stuff that i've great potential for (that last part is a bit too confident, isn't it? :P)
  4. I HATE Conference calls and words just fly over my head (i'm in one right now!! :( )
  5. I have a little MONK inside me ... when i walk on floor tiles, i have to follow the patterns of colors of shapes, i simply cannot stand any squeaking sounds or ppl "beytar2a3o" sawabe3hom ... it gets me jumping all over the place, i don't like to touch the buttons in the elevator or open the doors in public places and use my elbow or my key chain instead!
  6. When i'm depressed i tend to eat, and when i'm on diet i get depressed ... figure that out!
  7. I cannot cook - i mean not even a carrot! - but always dream of having my own place so that i can enjoy some quality time alone in the kitchen inventing all sorts of dishes ... i actually enjoy "imaging" the stuff i would create ... if i had choosen a different path in life, i'd have studied cooking!
  8. I have hidden wants that i cannot stop fantacising about: riding a scooter to work (like J.D in Scrubs), carrying a backpack and hiking the world, having my own appartment in one of the old areas in town where i'll have birds in the balcony, plants all over the place, a fish acquarium, home theatre system playing lounge music from mystic places all around the flat ... and i'd spend the whole day between caring for these things, household, reading, writing and facebook ... oh yeah, there was definitely facebook in that dream! hehe
  9. I cannot face tragidies (specially when its my own) and tend to laugh them away which makes me look like a heartless B**** most of the time.
  10. I cannot sleep unless everyone else is asleep at home ... and DEFINITLY cannot share rooms!

Only Four people to tag:

Balaha Sousou , Sameh , Yomika , wut's in the middle ... enough keda :)

1 comment:

Redzo said...

I really Enjoyed reading this list :)) ... But how could have a great imagination and you are from achievement ... I mean about cooking a carrot :) ... anyways I liked it