Hail Prince Charming ... !
She: When my mother asks you what you do, What wiII you say?
He: I'II teII her what I do: Love you.
She: And...what eIse wiII you say?
He: I'II fuIfiII aII your wishes, Iook after you.
She: And...?
He: I'II never Iet a smiIe Ieave your face.
She: And..?
He: Whether times good or bad we'II aIways be together just Iike eyeIashes are with the eyes.
She: And...?
He: You wiII dream and I'II fuIfiII them.
She: And...?
He: In the scorching heat of the sun, I'II be your shade and in the coId, I'II give you warmth When the rains bother you, I'II change the course of the cIouds and when a storm bIows...I'II turn the winds away ...
That's how I shaII protect you aII my Iife...
from every danger ... from every troubIe ...
Yup, in the most silly way this sounds like a cheap meant-to-be-romantic scene in some stupid movie ... (and indeed it is)
I was never in for those kinda movies ... looked all the same bla bla bla to me ... yet ... now i know
that these words are wut any woman is looking for, whether she knows it or not ... summarized in one simple word .. to be "SECURE" ... someone who'd keep her safe, be there for her in time of need, support her in every possible way ... and mostly: just BE THERE for her ... not just in flesh and blood, but in soul ... invalidating her feelings and showing her emotional care.
Key is two words: "Emotional Security"
I can go around asking every girl i know about the characteristics of their prince charming, and each one of them would go:
- kind
- gentle
- caring
- smart
- has a good sense of humor
- good looking (if not simply FABULOUS ;))
- open-minded
- social
- independent
- responsible
- noble
- charismatic
- generous
- mature
- Career driven
- ambitious
- passionate
- compassionate
- giving
- honest
- loyal
- has integrity
- well cultured
- respectful and thoughtful of others
- hearty
- well-mannered
- flexible
- tolerant
- wise
- Well2Do
- settled
- sensible
- easy going
The list could just go on forever ...
But ah, well ... unfortunately, ppl come in packages ... they r not like "make ur own pizza" and we can just pick only the quality traits that we want and put them together to get that owesome prince charming we dream of ... and our earthly science have not yet reached the extent of technology that turned women into "models" tailored to fit every man's needs in "The Stepford Wives" ...
And while ppl come in packages, love is NOT selective ..
It is definately not true, in my humble openion, that love is blind ...

Do love then turn into hate? ... it shouldn't ... it just matures.
It is said that "for every pot, there's a lid" and it is also said that "seeing is knowing" ... and when you come to see/know everything about your partner, the good and the bad, only then can you decide if you are really suitable for each other or not ... u r really a pot and a lid or not!
A man can be short and dumpy and getting bald but if he has fire, women will like him. ~Mae West
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