Shirin - A fairy tale :-)
Hmm ... ever wondered about the origin of your name?
i didn't :P ... However, i came across it while surfing.
Actually, my name, which i usually write as "shereen" but is also written as 'Shirin', is a Persian name ... it was the name of the wife of Khosrau II, the ancient Shahanshah - King of Kings - of Persia - Iran.
Shirin is also the name of a princess in a famous Afghani fairy tale called "Shirin and Farhad", the Afghani equivalent of Romeo and Juliet.
Here's how it goes:
There was a brave man named Farhad, who loved a Princess named Shirin, but the Princess did not love him. Farhad tried in cain to gain access to the love-cell of Shirin's heart, but no one would dare betray the fact that a stonecutter loved a lady of royal blood. Farhad, in despair, would go to the mountains and spend whole days without food, playing on his flute sweet music in praise of Shirin. At last people thought to devise a plan to acquaint the Princess of the stone-cutter's love. She saw him once, and love which lived in his bosom also began to breathe in hers. But she dared not a mean laborer aspire to win the hand of a princess? It was not long, however, before the Shah himself heard some rumor of this extraordinary exchange of sentiment.
He was naturally indignant at the discovery, but as he had no child other then Shirin, and Shirin was also pining away with love, he proposed to his daughter that her lover, being of common birth, must accomplish a task such as no man may be able to do, and then, and only then, might he be recommended to his favor. The task which he skillfully suggested was that Shirin should ask her lover to dig a canal in the rocky land among the hills. The canal must be six lances in width and three lances deep and forty miles long! The Princess had to convey her father's decision to Farhad, who forthwith shouldered his spade and started off to the hills to commence the gigantic task. He worked hard and broke the stones for years. He would start his work early in the morning when it was yet dark and never ceased from his labor till, owing to darkness, no man could see one yard on each side. Shirin secretly visited him and watched the hard working Farhad sleeping with his taysha(spade) under his head, his body stretched on the bed of stones. She noticed, with all the pride of a lover, that he cut her figure in the rocks at each six yards and she would sigh and return without his knowing.
Farhad worked for years and cut his canal; all was in readiness but his task was not yet finished, for he had to dig a well in the rocky beds of the mountains. He was half- way through, and would probably have completed it, when the Shah consulted his courtiers and sought their advice. He is artifice had failed. Farhad had not perished in the attempt, and if all the conditions were in the attempt, and if all the conditions were in the attempt, and if all the conditions were fulfilled as they promised to be soon, his daughter must go to him in marriage. The Viziers suggested that an old woman should be set to Farhad to tell him that Shirin was dead; then, perhaps, Farhad would become disheartened and leave off the work.
It was an ignoble trick, but it promised success and the Shah agreed to try it. So an old woman went to Farhad and wept and cried till words choked her; the stone-cutter asked her the cause of her bereavement. "I weep for a deceased," she said, "and for you." "For a decease
d and for me?" asked the surprised Farhad. "And how do you explain it?" "Well, by brave man," said the pretender sobbingly, "you have worked so well, and for such a long time, too, but you have labored in vain, for the object of you devotion is dead!" "What!" cried the bewildered man, "Shinin dead?"Such was his grief that he cut his head with the sharp taysha(spade) and died under the carved streamed into his canal was his own blood. When Shirin heard this she fled in great sorrow to the mountains where lay her wronged lover; it is said that she inflicted a wound in her own head at the precise spot where Farhad had struck himself, and with the same sharp edge of the spade which was stained with her lover's gore. No water ever flows into the canal, but two lovers are entombed in one and the same grave.
Hmm ... *SIGH* ... Now where's my Farhad!
Farhad worked for years and cut his canal; all was in readiness but his task was not yet finished, for he had to dig a well in the rocky beds of the mountains. He was half- way through, and would probably have completed it, when the Shah consulted his courtiers and sought their advice. He is artifice had failed. Farhad had not perished in the attempt, and if all the conditions were in the attempt, and if all the conditions were in the attempt, and if all the conditions were fulfilled as they promised to be soon, his daughter must go to him in marriage. The Viziers suggested that an old woman should be set to Farhad to tell him that Shirin was dead; then, perhaps, Farhad would become disheartened and leave off the work.
It was an ignoble trick, but it promised success and the Shah agreed to try it. So an old woman went to Farhad and wept and cried till words choked her; the stone-cutter asked her the cause of her bereavement. "I weep for a deceased," she said, "and for you." "For a decease

where's ur Farhad??!!
Ay wa7ed mel shabab el mefarhad ya sherio ....mesh di el moshkela khaaaaaaaaaaalesss ;)
EL mohem ur name maloosh da3wa bel mosana?? ya3ni ana kont fakra
"LAkad 7agaztooo tazkara...tazkaratain:)))LOOOOL
eh el kheffa ely ento feeha ento el etnain dee?
w ba3den le3lmek ba2a ... dol shabab mefarfar wenty el sad2a!!
Gat'hom el 2araf malo el balad! :P
Ahhh ... neseet a2oloko ba2a en shereen means SWEET ...
on which u'll agree of course *barbasha ma3a bassa fel ard w keda* :P
Dah enty esmek tle3 7addota kbera
mesh esm 3adi .. dh esm OSTORA
3ashet elasami ya shereen
Howa leeh sa7e7 mafesh 3andena walad esmoh FARHAD, zay mafeh bent esmaha SHERIN
wala yemken besta3mlooh SEFA mesh ESM
Why everyone is commenting on the NAMES?! sebto el story kolaha and you began to analize the names..
Although this is so imaginative, but it has a concept.. When you want someone, you do whatever it takes to reach him/her, mosh lazem dig a canal, we can apply this theory on our 21st century in a way that matches our lives..the least masalan that you can do to reach your partner is to understand him/her and not to be mostafez/a.. bas even this is difficult for some people (don't know why) And that makes me value Farhad.
However, if i have someone who loves me like Farhad, I'll not let him exert so much effort, i would dig with him. If I'm in a high palace in the ..mmm.. 20th floor masalan, mosh hakhalih yetla3li kol da, howa yetla3, wana anzel, wenet2abel fel 9th floor... why 9th and not 10th? coz a woman has the ability to give more ;)
yomnita mi amour, el moshkila mesh in "When you want someone, you do whatever it takes to reach him/her" ... el moshkela begad is to have so much faith in smone as to even START doing this effort! leih maba2ash fee trust? leih maba2ash fee appreciation and true valuing for each other? leih mafeesh el sacrifice elly mn gher ay mokabel except just that you love this person and ur willing to do anything for his/her sake regardless of his/her looks, actions or anything ... simply LOVE!? leih?
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