My Summer Ride
Your Summer Ride is a Beetle Convertible YUPPPPPIIIIEEE |
![]() Fun, funky, and a little bit euro.You love your summers to be full of style and sun! |
Well, as u know, i've a 67 dark red Beetle which i adore ... unfortunately i have very small time to take care of it ... usually it's in severe need of a shower :( .. but i still adore it :)
Also one of my wildest dreams is to get a new Beetle convertable ... so imagine how true this quiz turned to be :P
Well, y a Beetle?
First of all .. it seems to run in my genes, my father owned over 15 beetles during his life, he'd just sell one to get another ... everytging, from model 1950 to 1973, Brazilians and Germans.
Second, a Beetle has a unique shape ... if it's true that a car represents ur personality, then i'd say that all drivers of cubic/cuboid/regular shaped cars are regular/too ordinary ppl!! but a Beetle is so unique in its shape, it's not regular (very great advantage coz it turns off any 200 pound guy who enjoys ruining any parking car by sitting on top of it ... a beetle is so uncomfortable to sit on - "neither to sit IN" , my friends who had the unfortnate pleasure to sit in the back will cunningly say, but for me, i'm sitting on a sofa there .. who cares bout other passengers :P ... I've known ppl who said a Beetle looks sooo funny that they feel so imbarressed to ride it ... well, that's their openion, if they like to be regular ordinary ppl driving regular ordinary cars, that's their problem!
I was thinking the other day, your car and your driving style could really tell a lot about your personality ... take this:-
1. A Pushy driver
One who usually cuts others badly, doesn't leave an inch between his car front and the front car's back (of course in Egypt, this rule is there only to be BROKEN ... coz ppl wrk with the wut we call "el booz base" ... booz in arabic means the front of anything ... so, the booz base indicates the following: the one whose booz is the more advanced, gets to pass ... of course your BOZE can be in any direction you like ... you can insert it horizontally in the 2 inches separating 2 vertical cars and NO ONE dares to object ... know wut i mean?).
2. A Show Off
One who like to brag bout the power n beauty of his car (notice the "his" not "her" because women here never do that )How? well, you have loootz of symptoms, starting from the 8000 GHZ speakers, the goofy stickers all over d cars trying to make it look like a mobile circus tent - SCHMUCKS - up to the MEGA tailpipes at the back of the car which makes one think a Monster Truck is gonna crash and squash your little Beetle, but you look in your rear mirror to find a littly filthy SEAT passing lazily beside you - JERKS!
3. A Selfish driver
One who keeps SCREAMING his car horn angrily (i heard that there are special horning sequences that mean very bad words ... 3alam ray2a!) because you DARED to stop befaore a walking sign to let an old man cross the street safely - assuming that any SANE person should just scare the hell out of d old man by a loud horn .. or even better ... run the old chap ... ur serving ur country with dropping one out of the 66 million citizens!
Or, one who pops out of nowhere just when your adjusting ur car to park in the 2ms away parking lot, taking over the place and looking at you from top down like "fee 7aga ya handasa?"!
4. Maniacs, potential killers, junkies, Alcaholics, reckless Dandies
You can place here all the following:
- Microbus drivers
- Bus drivers
- Truck drivers
- Peaugot Taxis ( since they tend to think that a peaugot is the biggest and strongest car around and hence, they got the final word in this territory)
5. Lazy drivers
I dunno wuts the connection between the capabilities of a car and those of the drivers' brain. Most small/old car drivers (i.e Seat, Fiat, Lada, Polonize .. etc) tend to drive like turtles ... slow reactions, slow motion ... slow everything .. i bet if u crash into one of those it'll take him centuries to realize that it was a car that hit him and not that he didn't just accedentaly pull his breaks!
6. Cart drivers
Now, i don't just mean "karro" drivers - these still think that earth is flat - but there are ppl who actually drive their car in the same manner they'd drive their donkey. A donkey walks slowly, doesn't care what's happening around, doesn't care if it's walking in the middle of the street or on the side. Hmm, hold on, was i referring to the car driver or the donkey? ... ;)
7. Sleep-Walkers
These are ppl who drive their feet (i.e ppl walking in the street). Well, these can be further divided into two categories according to wut dreams they have during their "sleep-walk":-
(i) The suicidals ... know the famous "I'm falling" dream ... these ppl tend to run fast across ur car, pop up suddenlly infront of you from behind a parking car or practically "throw" themselves on your car to make the reckless driver - you - stop and let them pass.
(ii) Zoompies ... who walk like they r hepnotized, whether u horn, yell, scream, use flash light, they'll cross the street means they'll cross it NOW and dare you do anything other than STOP or run me over -in this case, i'm the victim and u r the reckless driver no matter wut u think!
Well, you might ask me "which category do you fit in?" ... hmm, lemme tell ya smthg ... for me, a drive is a distance between 2 points, and since i get sooo tense when i'm driving, i tend to cut this distance as quickly as possible in order to end my torture. Thus i'm too hasty and most of the time reckless .. so i guess i fit - unfortunately- into group 4 ... Though honestly, my driving attitude has greatly improved in the past two years but some things you can never change ( check the above list, imagine how many of these you meet everyday and try to tell me to cool down while driving!)
Now, which type of driver are you? ;)
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